CALL CENTER: 800-339-4661


Cool Zones

In the summer, the County designates air-conditioned settings, Cool Zones, for seniors, those with disabilities and others. Cool Zones, which include public libraries and community centers, are not only good spots to get a break from extreme heat, but also great places to meet new friends. 

Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services (APS) serves adults 60 and older and dependent adults 18 and older, who are harmed, or threatened with harm, to ensure their right to safety and dignity. APS investigates elder and dependent adult abuse, including cases of neglect and abandonment, as well as physical, sexual and financial abuse.

To make a report of elder or dependent adult abuse, call 800-339-4661. Mandated reporters, which include teachers, daycare workers and medical personnel, may use this tool to submit reports: AIS Online Referrals

Long-Term Care Ombudsman

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program advocates for residents in long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes, as well as investigates abuse in other licensed facilities. An Ombudsman listens to concerns, provides information and assistance when requested and will investigate and resolve complaints related to care or personal rights.

Contact the Long-Term Care Ombudsman at 800-640-4661 to learn more. 


Disaster Preparedness


Ready San Diego is a one-stop-shop website for emergency and disaster information, hosted by the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services. Learn how you can prepare for and respond to emergencies by visiting the ReadySanDiego website.


AlertSanDiego is a regional notification system that sends telephone notifications to residents and businesses within San Diego County impacted by, or in danger of being impacted by, an emergency or disaster.

Take the first step in preparedness and register your mobile device to receive emergency notifications. Note: Landlines are automatically registered.

Accessible AlertSanDiego

Accessible AlertSanDiego is part of the AlertSanDiego system that provides messaging for residents of San Diego County who are deaf, blind, hard of hearing, and deaf/blind before, during, and after a disaster. To recieve accesible messaging, simply select the Accessible Option when you register your mobile device


For more information on emergency and disaster information, visit

Fall Prevention

If you, or someone you care for is at risk of falling, the San Diego Fall Prevention website offers tips and resources to help you reduce the risk. 

Project C.A.R.E.

Project C.A.R.E. identifies and supports older adults and/or individuals with disabilities to prevent social isolation, loneliness, neglect and abuse. The program works to maintain effective contact and empower individuals to remain as independent as possible in a safe environment. 

For more information on Project C.A.R.E. services, please contact Matthew Parcasio, Project C.A.R.E. Coordinator, at 858-505-6435.