CALL CENTER: 800-339-4661
Care Coordination
The following care management programs assist older adults and their families with health and social services coming into their home.
Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) is a care management service for seniors age 65 and older who are eligible for Medi-Cal and at risk of institutionalization. MSSP care managers work with the client, family members and medical team to find and coordinate services in the home.
Linkages Program
The Linkages program works with the client to find and coordinate services in the home. Linkages staff develop a care plan with the client and any significant others to help the client remain safe and as independent as possible. One goal is to prevent hospitalization or long-term, out-of-home placement.
Senior Options, Advocacy and Referrals (SOAR)
Senior Options, Advocacy and Referrals (SOAR), formerly the Management and Assessment of Social and Health Needs (MASH) is a care management program that serves frail and disabled adults age 60 and older, who are at risk of nursing home placement and ineligible for other care management and in-home-care service programs.
For more information about coordinating care for you or your loved one, call (800) 339-4661 or send us an email.