Home Visiting Program
Supporting new parents, caregivers, and families is critical to strengthening families and communities. Home visiting services provided by San Diego County nurses will be through Healthy Families America (HFA).
This evidence-based home visiting model will continue to promote child well-being and provide families with family-focused and empathic support in the home. Healthy Families America is rated at the highest level (well-supported) by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse for the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA). Healthy Families America home visiting services empower families and communities, strengthen parent-child relationships, promote healthy child development, and enhance family well-being. We continue to work toward a singular vision: all children receive nurturing care from their family that leads to a healthy, long, and successful life.
Learn more about Healthy Families America at https://www.healthyfamiliesamerica.org
Evidence of effectiveness: Research and Evidence of Effectiveness | HFA (healthyfamiliesamerica.org)
For more information or to schedule a presentation, please email persimmonysupport.hhsa@sdcounty.ca.gov
Healthy Families America
The Healthy Families America Program may begin during any stage of pregnancy or early parenting, the length of service varies.
Program Eligibility :
Pregnant, Postpartum or Early Parenting Families
Who Do We Serve?
Pregnant teens
Concerns about substance use
Lack of prenatal care
Difficult relationships
Current or history of pregnancy loss or early birth
Current or history of high-risk pregnancies
High-risk infants
History or current prenatal or postpartum depression
Children with developmental delays
Difficulty bonding
Getting connected to a PHN and a home visiting program:
I'm pregnant or a postpartum mom
Public Health Nurse Home Visitation services are free; however, various eligibility criteria may apply to some Public Health Nursing Programs.
If you are interested in receiving PHN Home Visiting Services or know of someone who may benefit from our Home Visiting Program, please send an email to PersimmonySupport.HHSA@sdcounty.ca.gov. You may also call (858) 944-6500 or dial 2-1-1 to get more information.
I'm an agency referring a pregnant or postpartum mom
The Persimmony Referral Portal website allows you to submit PHN referrals electronically over the web.
The web referral process is an easier and more responsive method in which to make PHN referrals. Protected Health Information (PHI) is secured, and it will allow your staff to submit paperless referrals and generate referral for your records.
Click here to sign up for a referral accoint. You will recieve a confirmation email once your account is active. If you have any questions, please send an email to:
Please advise the client they will be contacted to schedule the first home visit.
Already have a referral account? Click here to submit a referral.
Additional Resources
The Family Support Collaborative created the Referral Pathway website (Support Our Families Alliance of San Diego- SOFA) that is a centralized referral site for social services including home visiting programs.