San Diego Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (SDAIM)

Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED) Round 4 Funding Opportunity 

On January 6, 2025, the California Department of Health Care Services opened the PATH CITED Round 4 application. PATH CITED is part of the Medi-Cal Transformation Initiative and provides grant funding to enable the transition, expansion, and development of Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports capacity and infrastructure.

To apply for Round 4 of PATH CITED funding, applicants must be actively contracted to provide ECM or Community Supports or have a signed attestation from a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP) that they intend to contract to provide ECM or Community Supports in a timely manner. 

The funding is intended for on-the-ground partners, including:

  • Community-based organizations (CBO)
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
  • County, City, or Local Government Agency
  • Medi-Cal Tribal and Designee of Indian Health program
  • Providers (including but not limited to hospitals and provider organizations)
  • Others as approved by DHCS 

Three rounds of PATH CITED funding have been awarded as of August 2024. Round 4, the last round of funding, is now open for applications and will close on May 2, 2025. For the most current information about PATH CITED grant requirements, deadlines, or updates, refer to the PATH CITED website.

Additional Resources:

PATH Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace

The California Department of Health Care Services PATH TA Marketplace serves as a virtual marketplace for TA services, a one-stop-shop website where entities can access TA from approved vendors to support organizations with establishing the infrastructure needed to implement ECM and Community Supports services. Through the TA Marketplace, TA is available at no-cost to organizations that provide, intend to provide, or are interested in providing ECM and/or Community Supports.

Additional Resources:


One-pagers about Enhanced Care Management, Community Supports, and Transportation for Medi-Cal members are now available at the links below. Please help us share them with your clients.

Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports 

Enhanced Care Management (ECM) is available for select Medi-Cal members with complex needs. Enrolled members receive comprehensive case management from a lead care manager who coordinates health and social services.

To connect an individual to ECM:

  1. Confirm the individual has active Medi-Cal and identify their Managed Care Plan (MCP).
  2. Ensure the individual meets the eligibility criteria for ECM in the ECM Policy Guide.
  3. Complete the universal or plan specific ECM referral form linked below and email the form to the assigned MCP’s designated email address. The Universal ECM Referral Form is accepted by all plans.

Note that the MCP should authorize ECM services within 5 working days for routine authorizations and within 72 hours for expedited requests. If you have not received a response, email or call the MCP for an update.

MCPs Link to Referral Form Email Address Member Services Phone Number

Blue Shield Promise 

ECM Referral Form (



Community Health Group

ECM Referral Form (



Kaiser Permanente

ECM Referral Form (




ECM Referral Form (



Community Supports are medically appropriate and cost-effective services provided by MCPs to help members address their health-related social needs.

The 14 services are: 

  1. Housing Transition Navigation Services
  2. Housing Deposits
  3. Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services
  4. Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing
  5. Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)
  6. Day Habilitation Programs
  7. Caregiver Respite Services
  8. Personal Care and Homemaker Services
  9. Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion to Assisted Living Facilities

10. Community Transition Services/Nursing Facility            Transition to a Home
11. Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home            Modifications)
12. Medically Tailored Meals/Medically-Supportive              Food
13. Sobering Centers
14. Asthma Remediation

Community Supports are available to a wide range of members, including those with complex needs and those who are enrolled in ECM. However, members do not need to be enrolled in ECM to access Community Supports.

To connect an individual to Community Supports:

  1. Confirm the individual has active Medi-Cal and identify their Managed Care Plan (MCP).
  2. Ensure the individual meets the eligibility criteria for Community Supports in the Community Supports Policy Guide.
  3. Complete the plan specific Community Supports referral form linked below for each service needed and email the form(s) to the assigned MCP’s designated email address.
MCPs Link to Referral Form Email Address Member Services Phone Number

Blue Shield Promise 

Community Supports Referral Form (



Community Health Group

Community Supports Referral Form (



Kaiser Permanente

Community Supports Referral Form (




Community Supports Referral Forms (



SDAIM Updates


San Diego Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (SDAIM) refers to the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency’s local approach to the Department of Health Care Services’ California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative. SDAIM partners and collaborates with County departments, managed care plans, health and social care providers, community organizations, consumers, and advocates to support CalAIM implementation in San Diego County.

Public Participation

  • October 2023: Live Well Advance Pre-Conference

    The SDAIM team presented an overview of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) program which focused on the new services that are available for Medi-Cal members and how to access them, as well as local CalAIM implementation and how you can get involved.
     o   Video Recording
     o   Presentation Slides
  • February 2023: Community Listening Sessions
The County of San Diego’s Health and Human Services Agency held two virtual community listening sessions during February 2023 to discuss new services for Medi-Cal members with complex needs and receive input to help create the County's "Roadmap" for California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). Each session provided an overview of CalAIM and presented draft priorities areas and potential strategies for implementation. Public input was solicited through interactive poll questions and discussion forum. 

     o   Video Recording
     o   Presentation Slides
     o   Question and Answer

SDAIM Roadmap

The SDAIM Roadmap was developed based on stakeholder input and outlines the County’s roles, priority areas, data and evaluation priorities, and initial implementation steps.

Email with questions or feedback.

Board of Supervisors Actions

May 23, 2023: Receive the San Diego Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Roadmap and Authorize an Intergovernmental Transfer Agreement for Behavioral Health Services

Upcoming Events

As the selected facilitator for your San Diego County PATH CPI Collaborative, Intrepid Ascent is responsible for hosting and facilitating monthly convenings and working with participants to develop programmatic activities contributing to CalAIM’s whole system, person-centered approach to care. CPI participants in San Diego County meet regularly to identify Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports needs and gaps within the community, identify and resolve implementation issues, and monitor how Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) funds can be used to address implementation issues and disseminate best practices. Additionally, Intrepid Ascent hosts monthly office hours and/or CalAIM Academy meetings for continued relationship building and follow-up on key topics.

To register for monthly collaborative meetings, office hours, and/or CalAIM Academy meetings see Intrepid Ascent's San Diego County PATH CPI website.

For past CalAIM Academy sessions and resources, upcoming sessions, and other information, see Intrepid Ascent's CalAIM Academy website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact  

Sign up to receive alerts about future SDAIM events. 

Additional Information and Resources

For more information on CalAIM and associated programs, click below to see additional resources: