California Advancing and Innovating Medi-cal (CalAIM)
Upcoming Events
As the selected facilitator for your San Diego County PATH CPI Collaborative, Intrepid Ascent is responsible for hosting and facilitating monthly convenings and working with participants to develop programmatic activities contributing to CalAIM’s whole system, person-centered approach to care. CPI participants in San Diego County meet regularly to identify Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports needs and gaps within the community, identify and resolve implementation issues, and monitor how Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) funds can be used to address implementation issues and disseminate best practices. Additionally, Intrepid Ascent hosts CalAIM Academy meetings for continued relationship building and follow-up on key topics.
To register for monthly collaborative meetings and/or CalAIM Academy meetings see Intrepid Ascent's Join SD PATH CPI website.
For past CalAIM Academy sessions and resources, upcoming sessions, and other information, see Intrepid Ascent's CalAIM Academy website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Sign up to receive alerts about future SDAIM events.
California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is a multi-year initiative by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of our population by implementing broad delivery system, program and payment reform across the Medi-Cal program. The major components of CalAIM build upon the successful outcomes of various pilots (including but not limited to the Whole Person Care Pilots (WPC), Health Homes Program (HHP), and the Coordinated Care Initiative) from the previous federal waivers and will result in a better quality of life for Medi-Cal members as well as long-term cost savings/avoidance.
CalAIM has three primary goals:
- Identify and manage member risk and need through whole person care approaches and addressing Social Determinants of Health;
- Move Medi-Cal to a more consistent and seamless system by reducing complexity and increasing flexibility; and
- Improve quality outcomes, reduce health disparities, and drive delivery system transformation and innovation through value-based initiatives, modernization of systems, and payment reform.
Medi-Cal RX Resources:
CalAIM Resources:
- Managed Care Plan County of San Diego Letter of Support Request
- CalAIM Board of Supervisors Letter 7-13-21
- CalAIM MCO Letter of Support Instructions/Guidelines 12-2-21
- State CalAIM website
- CalAIM 1115 Demonstration & 1915(b) Waiver
- CalAIM County Letter of Support Instructions
- September 29th Community Forum power point presentation
- Cal-SDAIM Community Forum Q&A
- San Diego County Community Supports 12-29-2021
- Final LOS Aetna Better Health of California
- Final LOS Blue Shield of California
- Final LOS Community Health Group
- Final LOS HealthNet
- Final LOS Molina Healthcare
- Final LOS UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of California
- County and Behavioral Health Services Contracted Providers
For questions and feedback on SDAIM, please contact: