About Us
Page last updated 2/7/2024.
The Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) program was established in July 2019. Prior to 2019, the County of San Diego HHSA relied on the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) HAI Program to lead investigations and provide guidance on healthcare-associated infections HAI in local acute care general hospitals. Healthcare-associated outbreaks in San Diego have included a Serratia marcescens outbreak, in an intensive care unit; carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa, associated with medical tourism; infections associated with unapproved stem cell injections; and possible nosocomial transmission of Listeria monocytogenes. The burden of healthcare-associated infections is increasing over time and has been recognized as one of the top 10 global health threats by the World Health Organization. A local capacity to coordinate work on infection control is likely to prevent outbreaks and reduce the social and economic burden of drug-resistant and nosocomial organisms.
The Program Provides
- Investigation of notifiable disease incidents and outbreaks associated with healthcare facilities.
- Infection prevention and control (IPC) support and guidance to healthcare facilities.
- Surveillance and a data analysis of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial-resistant organisms.
- Advancement of IPC through the sharing of best practices in partnership and collaboration with healthcare facilities and community stakeholders.
- Healthcare facility consultation, education, and outreach.
This program consists of public health nurses, physicians, epidemiologists, health promotions, and program support staff with a passion for promoting infection prevention in our community. The HAI program hours are Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. To report an outbreak or submit a disease report, please visit the Epidemiology Unit's Disease Reporting Requirements for Health Care Providers page.
See our HAI Program Flyer to stay connected.

For more information, contact the San Diego HAI program through our contact form, via e-mail at phs.hai.hhsa@sdcounty.ca.gov, or call the Epidemiology Unit at (619) 692-8499.