School Infectious Disease Prevention and Response Program


The School Infectious Disease Prevention and Response Program (SIDPRP) serves providers, parents, and students of San Diego County K-12 schools, preschools, early childcare centers, and institutes of higher education. The purpose of this Program is to promote disease prevention and awareness of child and adolescent diseases through education, outreach, and support services. You can view the SIDPRP fact sheet, School Training Request flyer, and find more details about the Program below.

Contact an Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch (EISB) Public Health Nurse

School Immunization Contacts:

When to Contact: Any questions about vaccine compliance, to report a case of a vaccine preventable disease, or any questions on vaccine preventable diseases.

School Epidemiology Contacts:

When to Contact: Any questions about case reporting, to report three or more COVID-19 cases, or to request a site visit to reduce the spread of diseases.

  • Epidemiology Unit School Response Team Line: (619) 692-8636
  • Email for general information about case reporting, outbreaks, and infectious diseases in school settings.

Components of the School Infectious Disease Prevention and Response Programs

The School Infectious Disease Prevention & Response Program is made up of three components. These include the School Compliance Program (SCP), School Immunization Program (SIP), and Epidemiology School Response Team (ESRT). Explore these Program components below for more details about school services.

School Compliance Program

SCP provides education and training to school and childcare partners on required childhood immunizations and annual immunization assessment reporting to help school and childcare facilities stay in compliance with California immunization law requirements and to support the overall goal of achieving safe and successful vaccination coverage and continued attendance in all school settings.

Learn more about SCP.

Staff presenting to students

School Immunization Program 

SIP partners with schools to increase immunization rates among students. SIP provides vaccine related education materials, vaccine trainings, personal consultations and more. The team is made up of health promotion staff, epidemiologists, and public health nursing staff.

Learn more about SIP.


Young girl with band aid on her arm

Epidemiology School Response Team 

ESRT works with schools to prevent and respond to infectious disease outbreaks. ESRT provides health education, community events, trainings, and school site visits. The team consists of a medical consultant, public health nurses, investigators, and health promotion staff.

Learn more about ESRT.


Nurse with student

Contact the San Diego Immunization Unit via e-mail or call (866) 358-2966.

Contact the Epidemiology School Response Team via e-mail or call (619) 692-8636.