Alpine Community Plan Update NOP
PDS2016-GPA-16-011, PDS2018-ER-18-00-002
The project comprises a comprehensive update to the Alpine Community Plan (Project) proposed by the County. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) will be prepared in order to analyze and disclose the environmental impacts of the Project. The SEIR will tier from the General Plan Update (GPU) Program EIR (PEIR) and the Forest Conservation Initiative (FCI) SEIR for applicable environmental issue areas. The SEIR will also be programmatic in nature in that it will analyze the reasonably foreseeable impacts of the changes proposed by the Project. For example, changes to land use densities could result in an increase or decrease in impacts that were previously analyzed in the GPU EIR. It should be noted that the Project itself does not propose any specific development that would result in physical impacts on the environment. However, it is reasonably foreseeable that subsequent projects implemented after adoption of the Project could result in physical impacts on the environment.
Project Manager: Sandi Hazlewood |
| (858) 495-5465
Environmental Coordinator: Greg Kazmer || (858) 505-6857