North County Plan

The North County Multiple Species Conservation Plan (North County Plan) would extend the County’s Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) into the northern portion of the unincorporated county. On October 28, 2020 (6), the Board of Supervisors directed staff to continue development of the North County Plan as a joint Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP) to achieve many of the same environmental and economic benefits realized through the adopted South County Subarea Plan.

A great deal of collaborative work has gone into development of the North County Plan. The input received from members of the Stakeholder Working Group, community groups, and other interested parties has been invaluable to the North County Plan. As additional information on the status of the North County Plan is available, interested parties will be notified.

Project Contact:

Project Timeline


We've created an interactive website to offer more opportunities for engagement with the North County Plan. This site will host workshop materials, infographics for key components of the North County Plan, and opportunities to interact with staff.

Click the below button to learn more and visit our engagement portal.


We want to hear from you! The County of San Diego has released a Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS) for the North County Plan's Environmental Impact Report (EIR). These documents allow the public the opportunity to provide input on the environmental topics that should be analyzed in the EIR, including any suggestions for measures or alternatives that should be considered to minimize environmental impacts.

The public review period for the NOP and IS is from March 6, 2025, through April 5, 2025. Comments must be received in writing with "North County Plan – NOP Scoping Comments" in the subject line no later than April 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Email your comments to or mail them to:

County of San Diego
Planning & Development Services
Attn: Stephanie Neal
5510 Overland Avenue
Suite 210, San Diego, CA 92123

Public Scoping Meeting

A virtual scoping meeting will be held to solicit comments on the NOP. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.


In 1992, the State of California enacted the Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act. This voluntary program allows the state government to enter into planning agreements with landowners, local governments, and other stakeholders to prepare plans that identify the most important areas for a threatened or endangered species. The federal government has a similar program under Section 10(a) of the federal Endangered Species Act providing for the preparation of habitat conservation plans (HCPs). In California, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Wildlife Agencies) have worked to combine the NCCP program with the federal HCP process to provide permits to take threatened and endangered species in exchange for conserving their habitat. Local governments, such as the County, can take the lead in developing these plans and become the recipient of state and federal permits.

The Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) is a long-term, regional HCP/NCCP focused on balancing two unique aspects of San Diego County: high biological diversity and rapid urban growth. Under this program, large blocks of interconnected habitat will be conserved through acquisition of land by private and public entities and mitigation from development.

The County’s MSCP is comprised of three separate planning areas covering unincorporated regions of San Diego. The MSCP Plans associated with each of the planning areas are the County Subarea Plan (South County Plan), North County Plan, and East County Plan, respectively. Each MSCP Plan Area’s unique geography requires that each MSCP Plan is tailored to meet the needs of the unique habitats and species in its respective area.

The North County Plan will extend the scope of the MSCP to contribute to the conservation of sensitive species and habitats while providing a streamlined permitting process for landowners, agricultural operators, businesses, and residents in the unincorporated regions of northwestern San Diego County. The North County Plan Area encompasses approximately 677,380 acres in and around the unincorporated communities of Bonsall, De Luz, Fallbrook, Harmony Grove, Julian, Lilac, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, Ramona, Rancho Santa Fe, Rincon Springs, Twin Oaks Valley, Valley Center, and Warner Springs within the County's jurisdiction.

As a joint HCP/NCCP, the North County Plan will provide the basis for the County to receive a federal and state incidental take permit to “cover” specific animal and plant species. This allows the incidental take permit to be extended to future development projects that comply with the MSCP, so these projects do not have to secure their own separate incidental take permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Through this permitting mechanism, the North County Plan will help conserve endangered species, streamline permitting, and facilitate economic growth in San Diego County.