About the County Fire Marshal
The County Fire Marshal Program, part of the Community Risk Reduction Division of San Diego County Fire, is responsible for the following programs and services for properties located within the San Diego County Fire Protection District and Deer Springs Fire Protection District:
Proposed Development Project and Plan Review
- Discretionary Project Review
- Project Facility Availability Forms (PDS-399F) for Discretionary Projects
- Building Permit, Grading Plan and Improvement Plan Review
Visit the Project and Plan Review page for more information
Fire Protection Systems Plan Review
- Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Alternative Fire Suppression Systems
- Emergency Radio Responder Systems
Visit the Project and Plan Review page for more information
- State Mandated Annual Inspections (Includes Camps, Educational Facilities, Institutional Facilities and R-1/R-2 Residential Facilities)
- Business and Commercial Facility Annual Inspections
- Commercial Construction Inspections
- Commercial Fire Protection System Inspections
- State of California Fire Safety Inspection Requests
Licensing and Event Permit Review
- San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Licensing and Permits
- County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health and Quality Community Event Permits