Ramona Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) Tax Information

Ramona Property Owners:
In August, 2022, fire protection and emergency medical services were transferred from the Ramona Municipal Water District to the San Diego County Fire Protection District. Included in the transfer was the voter approved fire protection special tax of $188.52 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). This EDU is usually assessed on property owners property tax bill.
For FY 23-24, Willdan Financial Services is handling the fire protection special tax EDU billing via an individual bill in the mail. In FY 24-25, the EDU charge for the fire protection special tax will be included on property owner’s property tax bill. The San Diego County Fire Protection District recognizes this may have an unintended impact on property tax escrow accounts. We apologize for the inconvenience and any confusion.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a representative at Willdan Financial Services at 866-807-6864 or the San Diego County Fire Protection District at 858-974-5999 or by email.