County Fire Ambulance Services and Fees
Who we serve

The San Diego County Fire Protection District Ground Ambulance Service Area covers most communities in the unincorporated area of San Diego County.
Our partners

Some communities are served by our
transport partner, American Medical Response (AMR). As a part
of the Ambulance Service Area, AMR is our partner in training,
evaluation and improving the entire system to meet the needs of our
residents. We remain committed to an equitable, world-class service
level that supports the diverse residents in the Ambulance Service

Rates for current and future Fiscal Years:
Service | FY 2024-25 Rate | FY 2025-26 Rate |
Base Rate (per transport) | $3,565 | $3,743 |
Mileage (per mile) | $46 | $48 |
Treat, No Transport (per occurence) | $438 | $460 |
Standby/Special Event (per hour) | $224 | $235 |
Billing and Records

Contact Digitech at (855) 479-4111 for services and records
Difficulty paying bill
Please contact Digitech to work through questions about your bill balance. They may have options to help you.
If you don’t have insurance
See the County Medical Assistance page for information about Medi-Cal or other health insurance programs.
Other information

General questions
For general questions, not related to billing or records requests, please call 858-974-5999 or email the County Fire EMS Bureau
Personal property questions
If you were transported by ambulance and have questions about what happened to your personal property, email CALFIRE-EMS staff. Include as much information as you can, like:
· Name
· Date
· Time
· Area of incident
· Hospital the ambulance took you to
· Description of items
HIPAA form

If you recently received service from us, we invite you to share your feedback with us by participating in this survey.
Our goals

Our ambulance service is focused on improving patient outcomes and
reducing health disparities in our communities. We do this by:
· Enhanced clinical training for our providers
· New approaches to the delivery of care and new technologies
· System integration between the first responder network and ambulance services.
Matching the correct provider, destination, or information for each service request is central to our goal of exemplary service.