San Diego County APCD Program Offers Financial Incentives to Retire Older Vehicles


Passenger vehicles and other mobile sources are the largest contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the San Diego region. To help achieve regional and local air quality goals, and reduce GHGs, the County of San Diego is introducing a new program that will provide money to San Diego residents to retire old vehicles. 

The Scrap Car Reimbursement Assistance Program (SCRAP), administered by the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District, will provide financial incentives to residents in San Diego County to voluntarily retire vehicles model year 1997 and older. The retirement of older vehicles will help reduce air pollution and GHG emissions generated by older, less efficient vehicles. Qualifying applicants will be paid $1,000 per retired vehicle, subject to the funding availability. To find out more or see if your car qualifies, please call 1-800-717-7624.

This program is supportive of the County’s 2018 Climate Action Plan (CAP) Measure T-3.3 to retire 1,600 older vehicles by 2030.

For questions or to receive emails about future passenger car programs or changes to SCRAP please send us an email at