New Incentives Help Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the Region


The San Diego Association of Governments and San Diego County Air Pollution Control District have partnered with the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) to bring electric vehicle charger incentives to San Diego County.

This opportunity will make electric vehicle charger installations easier and more affordable for businesses, commercial properties, multifamily residences, and local government facilities throughout the region. Properties serving disadvantaged and low-income communities are eligible for additional savings.

Eligible applicants may receive:

  • Up to $80,000 per DC fast charger
  • Up to $5,500 per Level 2 connector

Rebates are expected to go quickly! With the October 27th launch date quickly approaching, it’s important to prepare your application materials early. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Completed site verification form – visit the website to download the form before launch
  • Installation site address
  • TIN/EIN for recipient of rebate check

To learn more about the requirements, eligibility and how to apply, visit the CALeVIP San Diego County Incentive Project website.

How the County is involved

The County of San Diego is committed to building out electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the County’s unincorporated area to encourage electric vehicle ownership among residents. The County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) includes Measure T-3.5 that requires the County to install 2,040 charging stations to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Switching from gasoline-powered vehicles to electric vehicles reduces the greenhouse gases emitted from vehicle fuel use and also reduces air pollution from tailpipe emissions. The County’s Electric Vehicle Roadmap, adopted in 2019, expands CAP Measure T-3.5 vehicle electrification targets to include six goals that increase and accelerate charger installation efforts, County fleet conversion, education and outreach, and regional collaboration to contribute towards state and regional vehicle and charger goals.

The upcoming CALeVIP incentive project supports these County-led efforts by bringing state and regional funding for public charging installations throughout San Diego County. If you have any questions about the County’s vehicle electrification efforts feel free to contact the CAP team here, and if you are interested in applying for CALeVIP funding, visit the program site at