Climate Action Plan Update - Public Workshop
The County’s sustainability planning team advanced the Climate Action Plan Update (CAP Update) project at a virtual public workshop on April 21st. The event drew more than 175 attendees and included a presentation (English and Español) on the project background, objectives, components, and timeline. Attendees participated in the discussion through interactive polling questions, and staff answered questions throughout the presentation and during an open discussion session at the end of the event.
The primary purpose of this CAP Update workshop was to introduce the technical components of a Climate Action Plan, their role in CAP Update process, and how stakeholder and public input will be incorporated into the project. Technical components include the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, emission projections and targets, and reduction measures. Subsequent workshops will take a deeper dive into individual components, so this workshop will be an important reference point to revisit as the project timeline progresses. Workshop materials will be available on the CAP Update website by early May.
The next CAP Update workshop will take place in May and will focus on the integration of social and environmental equity within the CAP Update. Environmental justice and equity will shape outreach and engagement, GHG emission reduction measures and priorities, and potential policy developments. Please see below for a description of our public engagement approach for the project.
CAP Update Public Engagement Approach
The County will hold a series of public workshops throughout the year to present project updates and solicit feedback on the CAP Update project. In addition to these workshops, the County will solicit feedback in smaller group settings that provide an opportunity for focused discussion around topics that include transportation/built environment, agriculture, conservation, energy/water/waste, equity and environmental justice, and other important topics. All information convened from focused discussions will be integrated into future public workshops. If you are interested in being notified of our upcoming opportunities to participate, please sign up for our mailing list.
As part of the CAP Update project the County will also prepare Smart Growth Alternatives for analysis in the CAP Update Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. If you would like to be involved and provide input on what goes into a Smart Growth Alternative, please e-mail us and we will reach out to you to schedule a discussion. All information shared and convened from focused discussions on Smart Growth Alternatives will be integrated into future public workshops.
Stay Connected
You can stay involved in the CAP Update project by visiting our project website to follow important news, notices, reports, presentations, workshop recordings, and upcoming outreach and meeting dates. Make sure to subscribe for emails at the link on the webpage to receive important project notices and other information tailored for the CAP Update project.
For additional information, please email: or call 619-323-6462.
Thank you and we look forward to your participation!