County is Developing a Pilot Carbon Farming Program
Following August 31, 2022, direction from the Board of Supervisors (Item 6), the County is developing a Pilot Carbon Farming Program (Program) for the unincorporated county.
The Program, which will be part of the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update and support the Regional Decarbonization Framework, will aim to both reduce and sequester greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on natural and working lands in the unincorporated area. The County will work to create partnerships with local farmers and habitat restoration experts using carbon farming practices, evaluate the different carbon farming practices that are most appropriate for the unincorporated area, and understand the County’s role in supporting carbon farming.
What is Carbon Farming?
Carbon farming improves soil health and productivity, conserves
water, and can sequester carbon and reduce GHG emissions. Carbon
farming includes different practices that are known for capturing
carbon from the atmosphere as well as providing added benefits to
working lands. According to the Carbon Cycle Institute, “carbon
farming is a whole farm approach to optimizing carbon capture on
working landscapes by implementing practices that are known to improve
the rate at which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and
stored in plant material and/or soil organic matter”. Carbon farming
practices include the use of compost, no till planting, riparian
restoration, alley cropping, and hedgerows, among others. These
practices focus on managing soil health to sequester carbon which
reduces the effects of climate change by removing carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere.
Why Carbon Farming is Important for the CAP Update
The CAP Update will outline ways that County facilities and the unincorporated area can reduce GHG emissions, and this Program has the potential to reduce and sequester GHG emissions through the implementation of carbon farming practices. As a part of the CAP Update, the Pilot Program will determine how to quantify the GHG emissions reduction or sequestration due to implementing carbon farming practices, ways to incentivize these practices, and identify pilot sites to evaluate these practices. With the potential to sequester and reduce GHGs, these carbon farming practices can support the County’s target of reaching net zero emissions by 2035-2045.
Visit the Program website to stay up to date with all the updates!