Sustainable Land Use Framework Will Inform How the County’s Communities Can Grow in a Healthy, Resilient, and Equitable Way


On March 1, 2023, staff provided the Board an overview of an initial set of Sustainability Principles that could inform a Sustainable Land Use Framework (Framework) in the unincorporated area. In addition, staff provided an approach to a Parcel by Parcel Analysis, or Development Feasibility Analysis (DFA). The Framework is a policy framework to inform how the County’s communities can grow and evolve in a healthy, resilient, and equitable way in alignment with the  County's Strategic Initiatives and other regional policy efforts. The Framework will provide clear guidance about the Board’s policy goals and priorities, allowing the County to more effectively navigate how to balance housing production and sustainability, conservation, and resiliency, while advancing equity in an accelerated way. See the Board Letter for more information.

Sustainability Principles

As a first step of developing the preliminary set of Sustainability Principles, described below, staff reviewed existing land use plans, conducted best practice research, and engaged with a variety of stakeholders.

  1. Decarbonize buildings, communities and transportation through policies and land use
  2. Increase opportunities for sustainable and resilient development and housing for all
  3. Support green economies, innovative infrastructure, agriculture, and sustainable best practices
  4. Conserve and protect existing natural habitats and resources and increase access to open and green spaces
  5. Prioritize social equity and environmental justice in sustainable land use policies, programs, and plans.

The Sustainability Principles align with and advance existing County plans, including, but not limited to, the Climate Action Plan Update, Regional Decarbonization Framework and they will serve to inform future land use decisions.

Recognizing that future housing development will occur largely in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) efficient and infill areas, on February 9, 2022, as part of the VMT Board Letter, the Board directed staff to find practical ways to facilitate development in these areas and to develop an approach for a Development Feasibility Analysis (DFA). This effort will be consultant lead and is proposed to be initiated in four areas which were selected based on location, funding opportunities, leveraging other County efforts underway, and environmental justice considerations.   The communities are: Buena Creek, the County's only community with rail service and where we have already made progress with strategic planning partnerships with NCTD, the infill community of Valle De Oro/Casa De Oro, where we are primed to bring in funding with the recent adoption of the Specific Plan in Casa De Oro, and the Environmental Justice communities of North El Cajon/Lakeside, and Spring Valley.

As a next step, staff will be collecting data, developing maps, and gathering stakeholder input to understand constraints and opportunities related to land use, amenities, services, and economic development at the community level in order to identify the best and most cost-effective planning tools, program types, and policy approaches to deliver results in the shortest amount of time. This data and stakeholder input will also assist in refining the initial Sustainability Principles and throughout the process we will identify tailored strategies, funding and investment opportunities, and right sized planning mechanisms, such as potential specific plans or a general plan update, that the Board may consider.

Staff anticipates returning to the Board in the fall with updates on the progress of the DFA and options for a Sustainable Land Use Framework, including options for a Sustainable Land Use Framework, including any proposed refinements to the Sustainability Principles.

To learn more about the Framework, receive updates on outreach events, and stay involved in the process, please visit: Sustainable Land Use Framework | Engage San Diego County