Community Health Statistics Unit

Public Health Services
Program and Population Health Metrics

Public Health Services (PHS) promotes health and improves quality of life by preventing disease, injury and disability and by protecting against, and responding to health threats and disasters. This section contains white papers on branch Health Equity Goals, as well as on the racial equity trainings provided to PHS staff.
Each branch determined a health equity goal prior to the PHS Strategic Plan 23-24 and 24-25. The Health Equity Goal is the priority that each branch adopted to address concerns about inequities. The Health Equity White Papers delve into each goal, providing methods utilized to reduce and resolve the various inequities, current data, and a discussion regarding the existing landscape, with recommendations for improvement.
The topics of the papers are:
- California Children’s Services - Health Equity: Transition to Adulthood Planning
- Epidemiology and Immunization Services - Health Equity: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
- HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis Branch - Health Equity: Addressing Rising Rates of STIs and Preventing HIV Infections
- Maternal, Child, and Family Health Services - Health Equity: Reducing African-American Infant Mortality
- Public Health Preparedness and Response - Health Equity: Addressing Health Equity During a Public Health Emergency Response
Find more information for each of the branches:
As part of the commitment to foster racial equity, PHS contracted with a racial equity expert to facilitate a series of trainings for staff. The trainings created a foundational understanding and a shared language on the topic of racial equity. After the training series concluded, the facilitator hosted activities with each departmental Branch to explore racial equity issues for their staff and customers. The purpose of this white paper is to highlight the critical role these trainings play in enhancing cultural competence, reducing health disparities, and fostering a more inclusive and equitable public health environment.
Exploring Implicit Bias to Foster Racial Equity in the Public Health Workforce