Health Data
Community Profiles contain a variety of health-related information in San Diego County and its communities. We currently have data for 2016 to 2022 deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department discharges, in-patient treatment discharges, physical rehabilitation, and skilled nursing facility discharges.
The 2022 Community Profiles are available online as dynamic Tableau dashboards. These dashboards help to visualize the health data by the lenses of health equity: age, sex, geography, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity. There are over 70 conditions with four outcomes available (death, hospitalization, emergency department discharge, and in-patient treatment discharges). Data are available for the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Regions and their respective subregional areas (SRAs), as well as for the 18 municipalities and the unincorporated area of San Diego County. Selected tabs can be downloaded as images and the entire profile can be downloaded as PDFs or PowerPoint slides.
Community Profile Dashboards
2021:2020:Dashboard instructions here.
The 2019 Community Profiles Dashboards are available through the links below:
- All HHSA Regions
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region
- San Diego Municipalities
Community Profile Age-Adjusted Trend Dashboards
The Community Profiles Age-Adjusted Trends are interactive Tableau dashboards that help visualize the age-adjusted annual rates of disease and injury by geography, sex, and race/ethnicity in San Diego County. Approximately 70 conditions with 4 outcomes are available for the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Regions and their subregional areas (SRAs), the 18 municipalities and the unincorporated area of San Diego County. Data have been updated through 2022.
Age-adjusted rates represent the rates expected for a population having the same age distribution (same age structure) as a reference population. These ‘age-standardized’ rates allow comparisons between different populations at one point in time, or one population at different times by controlling for age. For example, age-adjusted rates can help identify differences in rates of disease due to environmental factors, behavioral risk factors, or social determinants of health.
2022 Age-Adjusted Community Profiles - Municipal Dashboard
2022 Age-Adjusted Community Profiles - Regional Dashboard
Dashboard instructions here.
Community Profile Excel Workbooks
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)
Behavioral Health Outcomes
Communicable Diseases
Non-Communicable (Chronic) Diseases
Maternal and Child Health Outcomes
Community Profile Data Guides and Data Dictionaries
The 2022 Community Profiles Data Guide and Data Dictionary Dashboards contain technical notes for users of the Community Profiles’ morbidity and mortality data. The data guide provides information for data users, describes geographic units used in health data, explains rates and age adjusted rates, lists the data sources used to create the Community Profiles, and contains a variable guide. Additionally, there are three data dictionary dashboards for the Community Profiles. The first dashboard is a morbidity data dictionary dashboard, which provides a list of Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) category codes and descriptions, and ICD-10 CM codes and descriptions that are used to categorize each condition with an emergency department discharge, hospitalization, or in-patient treatment outcome. The second dashboard is a mortality data dictionary dashboard which provides a list of ICD-10 mortality codes and descriptions that were used to categorize each condition with a death outcome. The final dashboard is a data standards dashboard where you can find the standard, link to the standard, and notes for each condition and outcome.
2022 Community Profiles Data Guide and Data Dictionary Dashboards
2021 Community Profiles Data Guide and Data Dictionary Dashboards
2020 Community Profiles Data Guide and Data Dictionary Dashboards
For previous years' health data,
dating back to 2000, visit our
For machine-readable data, visit the County of San Diego's data access portal.

Health Briefs are easy-to-read, printable health statistics by HHSA Region using data from the Community Profiles and the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). Each health brief contains information on non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, maternal & child health, injury, behavioral health, ADRD, environmental health, and access to care data.
The morbidity dashboard is an interactive Tableau dashboard
that helps visualize the total morbidity, emergency department,
hospitalization, and in-patient treatment discharge rates by age,
race/ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, and urbanicity in San Diego
County. Morbidity is the amount of disease in a population. In this
analysis, total morbidity is defined as the sum of all inpatient and
outpatient discharges. The 2022 emergency department and
patient discharge data were obtained from the California Department of
Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) database.
Dashboard instructions here.
The 2020 and 2021 Morbidity Dashboards are available through the links below.
This dashboard displays potentially preventable hospitalizations among San Diego County resident adults by race, sex, and geography defined by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) prevention quality indicators (PQIs) version 2022. AHRQ's prevention quality indicators are defined as hospital discharges due to specific chronic and acute conditions that could have been prevented if the individual received proper outpatient care. Hospital discharges are based on patient residency not on hospital location, and these indicators are not a reflection of hospital quality but rather, access to high quality outpatient care. PQIs are only one measure to identify the quality of patient care in the community.
Preventable Hospitalizations Dashboard
Both Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) impact health outcomes in adulthood. ACEs are potentially traumatic experiences that occur before the age of 18. PCEs are defined as having supportive and nurturing environments in childhood, such as strong peer relationships, supportive school environments, or safe neighborhoods. Current research indicates that experiencing a higher number of ACEs is associated with chronic health conditions, mental illness, and health risk behaviors, while PCEs are strongly associated with improved mental and physical health in adulthood. Further, PCEs may have protective effects against adverse health and well-being outcomes in adulthood among adults who were exposed to ACEs. Currently, ACEs are measured through a variety of surveys. The data provided in the Childhood Experiences dashboard are from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).
The interactive Childhood Experiences Tableau
dashboard helps to visualize demographic and health outcome data
disaggregated by ACE and PCE scores for San Diego County adults. The
accompanying brief provides a background of ACEs and PCEs and their
relationship to health and well-being. Additionally, the brief
highlights the disparities found in ACEs and PCEs prevalence among
adults in San Diego County.
Childhood Experiences in San Diego County Brief (June 2024)
Childhood Experiences in San Diego County Dashboard
Dashboard instructions here.

Non-Hispanic Asian Health and Well-Being
The Non-Hispanic Asian Brief and Dashboard present information about the health and well-being of non-Hispanic Asian residents living in San Diego County. Topics presented include demographics, social determinants of health, health status, health behaviors, injury and violence, medical encounter and death rates, and maternal and child health.

Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Health and Well-Being
The Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Brief and
Dashboard present information about the demographics and health of
non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander residents living in San
Diego County. Topics presented include demographic characteristics,
medical encounter and death data, and maternal and child health
The Tribal Brief and Dashboard present information about the health
and well-being of American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) residents
living in San Diego County. The information presented includes
demographics, social determinants of health, health status, and health
behaviors aggregated for 2016-2020 from the California Health
Interview Survey. Medical encounter and death rates, select maternal
and child health indicators, and incidence of communicable diseases
are also visualized. These data may support community health
improvement measures and identify high-priority health areas.

Chronic diseases are now the major cause of death and disability worldwide, having surpassed infectious diseases and injuries. This reflects an improvement in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and significant changes in dietary habits, physical activity levels, and tobacco use in the population. 2 Three behaviors (poor diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use) contribute to four chronic diseases (cancer, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, and pulmonary diseases such as asthma) that cause over 50 percent of all deaths worldwide. This is the foundation of the 3-4-50 concept.3 The influence of these three unhealthy behaviors may be seen in San Diego County as these four chronic diseases are the most common causes of death and disability in our region.
Expand the topics below to view 3-4-50 data:
3-4-50 Datasets
- 3-4-50 Percents and Rates, by Geography, 2014-2022 - Geographies include HHSA Regions, Subregional Areas (SRAs), Cities, and Supervisor Districts.
3-4-50 Short Briefs
These printable handouts summarize the burden of chronic disease by HHSA Region and San Diego County overall from 2000-2022.
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region
- San Diego County
3-4-50 Detailed Briefs
- Detailed Briefs - give a more detailed look at the burden of chronic disease from 2000-2022 for San Diego County overall, municipalities and the unincorporated area, and by HHSA Region.
Chronic Disease Maps
Maps for the 3-4-50 chronic diseases, as well as other chronic diseases, can be viewed here:
Chronic Diseases in San Diego County Maps
The Payer Source Dashboards display hospitalization and emergency department data by expected payer sources, including Medicaid/Medi-Cal and Medicare. Hospitalization and emergency department data includes demographics, admission summaries, and primary diagnoses by race/ethnicity, age group, and sex. These data are specific to residents in San Diego County who were admitted into the emergency department or hospital with health insurance covered by Medicaid/Medi-Cal and/or Medicare.
Payer Source Dashboard: Emergency Department Discharges (2021-2022)

1 World Health Organization (WHO). “The Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.” http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/media/en/gsfs_general.pdf (Accessed September 22, 2011).
2 3Four50, www.3four50.com (Accessed September 22, 2011).
Dashboard instructions here.