
Welcome to the Community Health Statistics Unit page for archived information. This contains data prior to 2010. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can contact us for assistance!
Due to coding changes, please do not compare 2019 health data to prior years.
2011-2018 Health Data Workbooks
2018 Health Data Workbooks
- Non-Communicable (Chronic) Disease
- Communicable Disease
- Injury
- Behavioral Health Outcomes
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
2018 Any Mention Health Data Workbooks
- Non-Communicable (Chronic) Disease
- Communicable Disease
- Injury
- Behavioral Health Outcomes
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
2011-2017 Health Data Workbooks
- Non-Communicable (Chronic) Disease
- Communicable Disease
- Maternal and Child Health
- Injury
- Behavioral Health Outcomes
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)
2011-2017 Any Mention Health Data Workbooks
- Non-Communicable (Chronic) Disease
- Communicable Disease
- Maternal and Child Health
- Injury
- Behavioral Health Outcomes
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)
Related Codebooks and Data Guides
2000-2009 Community Profiles by Geography
Subregional Area (SRA) Health Data Profiles by Region (2000-2009)
- North Coastal Region Data Profiles
- North Central Region Data Profiles
- Central Region Data Profiles
- South Region Data Profiles
- East Region Data Profiles
- North Inland Region Data Profiles
2000-2009 Community Profiles by Topic
- Non-Communicable (Chronic) Disease Profiles (2000-2009)
- Communicable (Infectious) Disease Profiles (2000-2009)
- Maternal & Child Health Profiles (2000-2009)
- Injury Profiles (2000-2009)
Community Profile Age-Adjusted Trend Dashboards
The Community Profiles Age-Adjusted Trends are interactive Tableau dashboards that help visualize the age-adjusted annual rates of disease and injury by geography, sex, and race/ethnicity in San Diego County. Approximately 70 conditions with 4 outcomes are available for the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Regions and their subregional areas (SRAs), the 18 municipalities and the unincorporated area of San Diego County. Data have been updated through 2021.
Age-adjusted rates represent the rates expected for a population having the same age distribution (same age structure) as a reference population. These ‘age-standardized’ rates allow comparisons between different populations at one point in time, or one population at different times by controlling for age. For example, age-adjusted rates can help identify differences in rates of disease due to environmental factors, behavioral risk factors, or social determinants of health.
2021 Age-Adjusted Community Profiles - Regional Dashboard
2021 Age-Adjusted Community Profiles - Municipal Dashboard
Dashboard instructions here.
Health Briefs are easy-to-read, printable health statistics by HHSA Region using data from the Community Profiles and the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). Each health brief contains information on non-communicable disease, communicable disease, ADRD, maternal & child health, injury, and behavioral health data.
Health Briefs
2019 Health Briefs
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region
2020 Health Briefs
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region
2021 Health Briefs
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region
Demographic Profiles
2013 Regional Demographic Profiles:
- Central Region Profile
- East Region Profile
- North Central Region Profile
- North Coastal Region Profile
- North Inland Region Profile
- South Region Profile
2012 Demographic Profiles:
- Central Region Profile
- East Region Profile
- North Central Region Profile
- North Coastal Region Profile
- North Inland Region Profile
- South Region Profile
2011 Demographic Profiles:
Overview of Health Equity in San Diego County Slide Set: This slide set gives a high level overview of health disparities in San Diego County.
- What are Health Disparities?1
- Where are there disparities in health outcomes in San Diego County?
- What are a few of our opportunities for prevention for certain key diseases?
2016 Health Equity Reports
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Executive Summary Report
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Age Report
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Gender Report
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Geography Report
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Race/Ethnicity Report
- Identifying Health Disparities to Achieve Health Equity in San Diego County: Socioeconomic Status Report
Cost of Living for Older Adults, 2022
Cost of living can vary by age. The cost of living tool below helps to highlight the economic issues faced by the aging population in San Diego County. It helps determine the basic costs of living for older adults (those aged 65 years and over) and to visualize the amount spent on basic necessities for older adults in each Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) region, subregional area (SRA), and San Diego County overall. Select household composition, housing tenure, and geography to explore the differences in the expenditure on basic necessities. The briefs provide background information and key findings from the data included in the dashboard.
Cost of Living for Older Adults, San Diego County, 2022 Brief
Dashboard instructions here.
Self-Sufficiency Standard, 2022
Currently, the federal government’s poverty thresholds and guidelines are used to determine poverty rates throughout the United States. While the measure is defined as the minimum amount of annual income that is needed for individuals and families to pay for essentials, its calculation does not consider essential household expenses such as housing, medical, and childcare costs, or the geographic variability in the cost of living.8 The self-sufficiency standard is an affordability measure that serves as an alternative to the federal government’s poverty thresholds.9 The self-sufficiency standard measures how much income is needed for a household of a certain composition to adequately meet their basic needs without public or private assistance.
The self-sufficiency standard dashboard below is an interactive tool that helps to visualize the minimum wage required for self-sufficiency based on the average amount spent on basic necessities in each Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) region, subregional area (SRA), and San Diego County overall. The self-sufficiency briefs provide background and key findings from the data included in the dashboards.
San Diego County Self-Sufficiency Standard Brief: Single-Adult Household, 2022
San Diego County Self-Sufficiency Standard Brief: Household with Two Adults and Two Children, 2022
San Diego County Self-Sufficiency Standard Brief: Household with Two Adults, 2022
San Diego County Self Sufficiency Standard Brief: Single Parent Household with Two Children, 2022
Socioeconomic Status Dashboard Series: San Diego County Self-Sufficiency Standard Dashboard, 2022
Dashboard instructions here.
2019 Hospital and Emergency Department Discharge Data for Persons
Experiencing Homelessness
Hospital and Emergency Department Discharge Data for Persons Experiencing Homelessness
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Population
Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) are diverse and include people of all demographic backgrounds. Members of the LGBTQ community are at increased risk for a number of poor health outcomes compared to heterosexual and cisgender people as a result of social and structural inequities.3
The interactive Tableau dashboards below help to visualize demographic, health and well-being, and healthcare access data disaggregated by sexual orientation and gender identity. Data for the adult population comes from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), 2016-2020, and data for the youth population is from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), 2015-2019. The dashboard also introduces the terminology used to describe sexual orientation and gender identity and emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing health inequities among the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) population.
The Adult LGBQ Population in San Diego County Brief, 2016-2020
The LGBT Youth Population in San Diego Unified School District, 2015-2019
The LGBTQ Health and Well-Being Dashboard
Dashboard instructions here.
Economic Hardship Index by Census Tract, 2021
The Economic Hardship Index (EHI) by Census Tract, 2021 Dashboard contains a map of the distribution of the EHI across census tracts in San Diego County. The estimated Economic Hardship Index by census tract map (see map below) shows the variation in levels of economic hardship and allows identification of communities with greater economic hardship. The dashboard provides the data for each of the components of EHI and the life expectancy of the subregional area (SRA) and HHSA Region the census tract is in. Additionally, the dashboard ranks the census tracts from highest to lowest EHI.
View the Economic Hardship Index (EHI) by Census Tract, 2021 Dashboard
Healthy People 2020: How
Does San Diego County Measure Up?
This report provides an
update on the progress San Diego County has made in achieving the
goals set forth by Healthy People 2020, a science based, ten-year
national agenda for improving the health of all Americans.
The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) in San Diego County Map Atlas: This document was created to give a visual representation of the data related to Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias. Topics include population estimates, disability and health insurance coverage among seniors, and ADRD prevalence and medical encounters.

The Population of Mexican Origin Map, 2014 - This map visualizes the 2014 population of Mexican origin across San Diego County by subregional area.
San Diego County Senior Health Report, 2015
This report, a collaborative project with Aging & Independence Services, is the full report detailing various topics affecting the health and well-being of San Diego County senior residents.
3-4-50: Chronic Disease and Health Disparities in San Diego County Age Subset
This document contains 3-4-50 data by the health disparity lens of age.
The San Diego County Senior Cost of Living by Subregional Area Report: This document was created to highlight economic issues facing the aging population in San Diego County. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the actual basic costs of living for older adults (those aged 65 years and over).
3-4-50: Chronic Disease in San Diego County Report
This document takes an in-depth look into the concept of 3-4-50 locally.
Economic Burden of Chronic Disease in San Diego County Report
In 2007, the direct cost of chronic disease in San Diego County was $4.6 billion dollars. This document addresses the economic impact of chronic diseases locally.
CDC's Winnable Battles: Winnable Battles are public health priorities where the CDC and public health partners, like the County of San Diego, can make significant progress in a relatively short timeframe. For information on the first national set of Winnable Battles please see the Winnable Battles Final Report as well as National Progress Reports published in 2013 and 2014. For local data, please click the image or here.
CDC Winnable Battles - public health priorities identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where significant progress can be made in a short (1-4 years) timeframe. In the following 2012 document, the "winnable battles" are identified and addressed from a San Diego County perspective.

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a source of information on health, health behaviors, and access to health care services. The survey is conducted every two years through telephone surveys of adults, adolescents, and children, and is the largest state health survey in the nation. In the following documents, information from CHIS is presented and used to estimate the number of residents represented by the survey data. Both County-level and Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Region-level information is provided.
Dashboard on Motor Vehicle Injuries in San Diego County
Injury collisions are those involving a motor vehicle operated on a public road, where at least one person is injured or killed. The Motor Vehicle Injury Indicators in San Diego County Dashboard shows the rates of several injury indicators related to motor vehicle collisions in San Diego County across 2010 to 2019. Where available, rates are provided by sex, age group, and year and data is trended by geography and year. Additionally, the rates of injury collisions indicators are displayed by the injury indicator and year of choice.
Geographical areas included are San Diego County, the six Health and Human Services Agency Regions, and the 41 subregional areas (SRAs).
Outcomes on this dashboard:
- Alcohol-Involved Injuries
- Drinking Drivers
- Pedalcycle Injuries
- Pedestrian Injuries
- Total Injuries
San Diego County Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries: Below is a workbook detailing motor vehicle injuries by type in San Diego County from 2010-2017 from the California Highway Patrol's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). From our archives, the data tables provide a summary of traffic related crashes, injuries, and death in San Diego County from 1998 through 2011.
***NOTE: This product has been discontinued.***
The Smoking Attributable Mortality tables estimate the number of San Diego County residents who died due to smoking. The tables display the five-year average deaths, attributable fractions, and the estimated smoking attributable mortality for San Diego County and each of the Health and Human Services Agency Regions. Five-year average of deaths were calculated for certain diseases or conditions where there is evidence of a relationship between the disease or condition and smoking or secondhand smoking.2 Attributable fractions are the proportions of a specific disease or condition that would be attributable to smoking and come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Smoking Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs System.3 The estimated smoking attributable mortality was calculated by multiplying the attributable fraction by the five-year average of deaths due to a disease or condition.

2017-2021 Smoking Attributable Mortality Table Series
- San Diego County
- Central Region
- East Region
- North Central Region
- North Coastal Region
- North Inland Region
- South Region

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report—United States, 2011. MMWR 2011;60(Suppl), http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/other/su6001.pdf (Accessed September 30, 2013).