Recycling at School

Teaching our children to reduce, reuse, and recycle now is the way to a better future! Free presentations, technical assistance, and supplies are available to schools in the unincorporated areas of the County to help supplement existing recycling programs or start new ones.
Schools and other public entities that generate 2 or more cubic yards of combined solid waste and recycling per week must arrange for recycling services (AB 341), including organics (AB 1826 and SB 1383).
Technical Assistance & Supplies
County staff is
available to help schools establish or strengthen campus recycling
programs. Staff can identify opportunities for source reduction,
design a custom recycling program, and teach school staff and students
different ways to promote and encourage campus participation. The
County may provide recycling containers for schools to collect
recyclables, while supplies last. Please contact a Recycling
Specialist at or
858-694-2456 for information.
Recycling Presentations
Presentations last approximately
45 minutes, and are delivered via PowerPoint, hands on activities, and
visual aids. Presentations focus on litter, reducing, reusing,
recycling, and proper disposal of household hazardous waste. Students
will learn what, why, and how they can help make our community cleaner
and more sustainable. School presentations are available for groups
ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. To schedule a
presentation for your school or group, call 1-877-R-1-EARTH.
Composting Presentations & Programs
last 30-60 minutes with age-appropriate content and hands on
activities including traditional compost and worm bin set up, and in
some cases donation of bins as funds allow. Please contact a Recycling
Specialist at or
858-694-2456 if you are interested in setting up a composting program
in your school.
Recycling Resources
- School Waste Reduction Guide
- Printable Recycling Signage
- Printable School Recycling Poster
Food Waste Reduction & Composting Resources
- Video: Kids Talk Trash...and Composting!
- School Waste Reduction Guide
- School Sustainable Food Management Startup Guide
- School Source Reduction Guide
- School Lunch Sorting Guide
- School Food Donation Guide
- Feeding Animals Guide
- Composting at Schools
- Composting at Schools - Options and Regulations
- Composting Tips for School and Community Gardens
- School Share Table Guidance
Recycling Programs
Have a recycling question? Email or call: