Mapleview Street Biofiltration and Channel Restoration Project

The County of San Diego is working to improve surface water quality through the implementation of Green Infrastructure Projects. These projects include elements that remove pollutants from stormwater runoff before they enter our local waterways. Biofiltration basins, tree wells, pervious pavement, and trash capture devices are examples of green infrastructure elements that you may find in a project. To learn more about the benefits of green infrastructure, review the County’s Green Streets Clean Water Plan.

Upcoming Green Infrastructure Projects

The Magnolia Avenue Green Streets Project will reduce stormwater runoff of pollutants into Forester Creek and the San Diego River through the installation of “green street” infrastructure. The project is investigating three other potential areas, including portions of Vernon Way, West Bradley Avenue and Denny Way, to address drainage and water quality benefits in these areas. 

Community: Lakeside & Bostonia

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduced discharges of sediment, nutrients, metals, trash, and bacteria into Forester Creek and the San Diego River
  • Community Benefits: To the extent practicable the project may include new sidewalk, pedestrian access ramps and bike lanes

This project is currently in the design phase and will incorporate the feedback received during the outreach and engagement phase.

The Goldentop Road Water Quality Improvement Project will install a modular wetland system and trash capture device in the 4S Ranch community, for the purpose of capturing trash and other pollutants before they enter nearby Artesian Creek.

Community: 4S Ranch

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduction in trash and indicator bacteria discharged to Artesian Creek from the County’s storm drain system.

The Rainbow Green Streets Project will install a series of subsurface wetland channels along segments of Fifth Street, Huffstatler Street, and Rainbow Valley Boulevard to treat runoff in the area around Rainbow Creek. Approximately 500 linear feet of new sidewalk, curb, and gutter will also be added to reduce ponding of runoff in the roadways.

Community: Rainbow

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduced discharges of excess nutrients to Rainbow Creek. 
  • Pedestrian Safety: New sidewalks and pedestrian access ramps along segments of Fifth Street and Huffstatler Street.

The South Mission Road Green Streets Projects will use green infrastructure elements to capture and treat stormwater runoff from a 21.7-acre drainage area composed of commercial, transportation, and other land uses along South Mission Road in Fallbrook. 

Community: Fallbrook

Project Benefits: 

  • Water Quality: Storm water treatment provided by tree wells, biofiltration basins, and a below-ground trash capture device.
  • Pedestrian Safety: Project includes ADA-compliant sidewalk improvements to enhance pedestrian access.

Completed Green Infrastructure Projects

The Los Coches Dry Weather Diversion Pilot Project treats runoff using an underground trash capture device and diverts dry weather runoff to the sanitary sewer for treatment.

Community: Lakeside

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduction of bacteria, trash, and other pollutants discharged to nearby Los Coches Creek, a tributary to the San Diego River.

The San Marino Drive project installed biofiltration areas and a sub-surface trash capture device to remove pollutants from runoff before they are discharged to nearby Lake San Marcos.

Community: Lake San Marcos

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduction of trash and indicator bacteria discharged to Lake San Marcos. 
  • Pedestrian Safety: New pedestrian access ramps and approximately 500 linear feet of new sidewalk.

The Estrella Park Biofiltration and Trash Capture Project uses two biofiltration basins and a trash capture device to treat runoff from an 22-acre drainage area. Also included in the project are pedestrian safety and park improvements.

Community: Casa de Oro

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Two biofiltration basins and a trash capture device will treat runoff from an 22-acre drainage area.
  • Pedestrian Safety: New sidewalks and pedestrian access ramps.
  • Park Improvements: New green spaces, pedestrian pathways, picnic area, and bicycle parking.

The Mapleview Street project will use a series of biofiltration basins to treat runoff from a 5.8-acre drainage area in the community of Lakeside. The project will also upsize existing storm drain conveyance segments to improve drainage in the area.

Community: Lakeside

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Project will construct approximately 4,400 square feet of vegetated stormwater BMPs.
  • Drainage Improvements: Approximately 550 linear feet of stormwater conveyance channel will be improved.
  • Pedestrian Safety: Project will add approximately 2,500 linear feet of new sidewalk, with 6 pedestrian ramps.

Riverside Drive Channel Retrofit Project 

The Riverside Drive conveyance channel's concrete floor was retrofitted with a permeable channel floor, allowing for infiltration of low-flow runoff. Infiltrating runoff flows in the channel reduces the amount pollutants discharged to the nearby San Diego River.

Community: Lakeside

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Infiltration of low-flow runoff.

Sweetwater Lane Park Trash Capture Project

A sub-surface trash capture device was installed beneath the parking lot of Sweetwater Lane Community Park. The device was designed to capture trash, debris, and sediment from a 274-acre drainage area upstream of the park. It is estimated the device will prevent the discharge of approximately 256 gallons of trash and 22,500 pounds of Total Suspended Solids to tributaries of the Sweetwater River each year.

In 2023, the Sweetwater Lane Community Park Trash Capture Project was recognized as a "Project of the Year" by the San Diego/Imperial County Chapter of the American Public Works Association.

Community: Spring Valley

Project Benefits:

  • Water Quality: Reduction in sediment and trash discharged to tributaries of the Sweetwater River



Trash Order Implementation Plan

In 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted regulations requiring local agencies to control the discharge of trash from the MS4 into surface waters (Trash Amendments). The Trash Amendments, which establish trash narrative water quality objectives, will be incorporated into the MS4 Permit upon its reissuance (currently scheduled for late 2021), and will prohibit the discharge of trash into the storm drain system. The County of San Diego has selected to implement measures to install, operate, and maintain full capture systems for all storm drains that capture runoff from priority land uses in the unincorporated County. For more information, please view the Trash Amendments Track 1 Implementation Plan submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board on December 3, 2018.



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