Waterscape Rebate Program




The Waterscape Rebate Program focuses on the installation of landscaping and water-wise features, which help you save water, save money & beautify your home.




Rebates are available for residents, businesses and agricultural producers living in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County.

Check your address here to see if you are eligible. 





Who Are We?


The County of San Diego Watershed Protection Program (WPP) is dedicated to protecting our environment by  preventing pollutants from entering local waterways. Funding the rebate program is one of our many strategies for protecting water quality in our region. The Watershed Protection Program is partnering with Environmental Incentives to manage and distribute some of our rebates to program participants. Other rebates are offered and distributed by our partners San Diego County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (through SoCal Water$mart). WPP and our partners are available to help you decide which program benefits you the most. 


Contact Us


Our job is to help you build a more sustainable yard.  Feel free to get in touch with questions or feedback. 



You've got questions, we've got answers!

Helpful Resources


Learn more about the world of water-wise landscaping. 

Terminology Glossary


Wondering what the difference is between a berm and a bioswale? Look up some common terms here.




San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA)

For 75 years, the SDCWA has been delivering safe, reliable water supplies to San Diego County. They sustain a $253 billion regional economy, helping maintain quality of life for 3.3 million residents through water supply diversification, major infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental responsibility. The Water Authority is our local partner for administering rebates through SoCal Water$mart. 

SoCal Water$mart


SoCal Water$mart

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) operates and provides funding for theSoCal Water$mart program. These  rebates are designed to help you save water and money, all while beautifying your landscape. Some of our Program’s rebates are offered through the SoCal Water$mart website. MWD is a regional wholesaler that provides water for nearly 19 million people living in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura counties. Along with importing water from the Colorado River and Northern California to supplement local supplies, they also help their members develop water conservation, recycling and other resource-management programs.

Environmental Incentives


Environmental Incentives

Since 2004, Environmental Incentives (EI) has worked with local governments, municipalities, national and international development partners and nonprofits to maximize investments in the environment and unlock new opportunities to improve outcomes for both people and nature.

Environmental Incentives administers and distributes rebates to program participants on behalf of the County of San Diego, and connects participants to rebates distributed by partner programs. EI also offers support and assistance to participants to help them improve their landscapes and receive rebates. 

Mission Resource Conservation District


Mission Resource Conservation District (MRCD)

The MRCD is a non-profit organization that promotes conservation of soil, water and other natural resources in the San Luis Rey and Santa Margarita watersheds to ensure a healthy ecosystem, providing economic benefits and strengthening quality of life for the general public. Our Agricultural Irrigation Efficiency Program rebate is offered through the MRCD website.