While we want everyone to save money, beautify their yard, and conserve water, Waterscape Rebates do have some eligibility criteria based on where you live and who provides your water.
If you live in unincorporated San Diego and receive your water from the San Diego County Water Authority and their member agencies, you are eligible for ALL rebates on our website.
If you do not meet both criteria listed above, please scroll down this page to view rebates you may be eligible for.

If you live in unincorporated San Diego, then you are eligible for the following rebates:
The map below will verify if your address is in the Unincorporated County.
Enter your address into the tool bar.
If your address is
within the orange shaded areas, you are eligible for the four
rebates listed above.

The map below will verify if your address is in the Unincorporated County and if it is serviced by a member agency of the San Diego County Water Authority.
Enter your address into the tool bar.
- If your address is within the orange shaded areas, you are eligible for all rebates.
- If your address is not within the orange shaded area, scroll down to view rebates you may be eligible for.

If you live in an incorporated city (City of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, etc.), you are eligible for rebates at SoCalWaterSmart.com