Waterscape Rebate Program



Septic Rebate Program
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The County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, Watershed Rebate Program is pleased to announce the launch of the Septic Rebate Program.  The goal of the program is to provide financial assistance to have a septic system pumped and to educate residents on proper septic maintenance, how regular maintenance can prevent system failures, what to look for in the event of a failure, how septic systems relate to water quality, and information on additional resources. 






Program Eligibility

Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria and follow these steps to receive a rebate:

  • The septic system is located on a property in the unincorporated County of San Diego.
    • Verify your address in the embedded map below. If your address fall within the orange shaded area, you are eligible to apply for a rebate. 
    • Only one septic system per parcel is eligible to apply for the program. 
  • You have not participated and received a rebate from the Septic Rebate Program for the same septic system location within the last three (3) years.  
  • Participant has submitted the septic system pumping service documentation (i.e.- invoice/receipt) within 90 days of receipt of pre-approval.


How to Apply

Click each step below to start the pre-approval process

What to Expect Next:

Once your application is submitted, you will see a confirmation page informing you that your completed application has been received. You will also receive an email confirming the County's receipt of your application. 

Once your application has been submitted, you can expect to receive an email within two weeks to indicate if you have been pre-approved to receive a rebate, if additional information is needed, or if you are ineligible (i.e.- located outside of unincorporated County of San Diego).

Following pre-approval, you will have 90 days in which to have your septic system pumped by a qualified pumper from the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health & Quality Approved pumper list, and return a copy of the septic service receipt/invoice via reply to the pre-approval email.

  • Rebates will not be issued for septic services completed prior to pre-approval issuance.

Septic Training Resources






Septic Pumping Frequency Chart
Septic System Guide
Septic System Guide

Please contact the County of San Diego - Department of Environmental Health & Quality - Land & Water Quality Division 


Phone: (858) 565-5173

E-mail:  LWQDuty.DEH@sdcounty.ca.gov


Frequently Asked Questions


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Opt Out of Septic Rebate Program Communications

If you've received mail from the Septic Rebate Program but you don't have a septic tank or want to stop receiving mailed communications from the Program, please click here to opt-out of future mail communication.


Contact Us

For questions or more information about the Septic Rebate Program, you may contact us at Watershed.Rebates@sdcounty.ca.gov.


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