Community Health Statistics Unit

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Data on Older Adults

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The term “older adult” is typically defined in two different ways. In some publications, an older adult may be considered as 65 years and older, more closely aligning to the age for retirement and eligibility for full Social Security retirement benefits. Alternatively, from a programmatic standpoint, at age 60, a person is eligible to receive services through the federally funded Older Americans Act (OAA). In the County of San Diego, when considering older adults, health data are typically analyzed for the 60 and older age group, while demographic data from the Census include those 65 and older.

The population 65 years and older is rapidly growing across the U.S. and locally in San Diego County. From 2010 to 2020, the number of people in the older population in the U.S. increased by 15.5 million people, the largest 10-year numeric increase to date.1 According to the Census, the spike is due to the baby-boomer generation aging into the 65 and over age group. Further, with age, the risk of chronic diseases like dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and cancer increase.2 As of the 2020 Census, 16.8% of the US population was 65 years and older, but by 2060, older adults are estimated to account for nearly a quarter of the U.S. population.1,2

Below is a compiled listing of data related to the health and well-being of our aging population in San Diego County. If you are looking for resources or more information, please refer to the County of San Diego's  Aging and Independence Services.

Reports and Other Statistical Guides

Demographic Profiles - Older Adult Subsets

The Demographic Older Adult Profiles are subset of the larger demographic profiles document for San Diego County. This profile set reflects data covering demographic and economic data on seniors available by HHSA Region and community, municipalities and the unincorporated area, and Supervisorial District.


Leading Health Conditions Impacting Older Adults Briefs 

The Leading Health Conditions Impacting Older Adults briefs identify the leading health conditions impacting older adults in San Diego County. Cases and rates are presented by age group or geographical area within the three reports below.

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Cost of Living for Older Adults

Cost of living can vary by age. The cost of living tool below helps to highlight the economic issues faced by the aging population in San Diego County. It helps determine the basic costs of living for older adults (those aged 65 years and over) and to visualize the amount spent on basic necessities for older adults in each Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) region, subregional area (SRA), and San Diego County overall. Select household composition, housing tenure, and geography to explore the differences in the expenditure on basic necessities. The briefs provide background information and key findings from the data included in the dashboard.

Cost of Living for Older Adults, San Diego County, 2023 Brief

Socioeconomic Status Dashboard Series: Cost of Living for Older Adults (Ages 65 Years and Over), San Diego County Dashboard 

See the below images to learn how to use the Cost of Living for Older Adults Dashboard:

Instructions on how to use dashboard



Projected Population Aged 55 and Over by Subregional Area, 2030


Projected Population Aged 65 and Over by Subregional Area, 2030

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)

In 2015, Alzheimer’s Disease was the third leading cause of death in San Diego County and an estimated 84,405 San Diegans were living with this disease or another form of dementia. These numbers alone highlight the growing health and well-being issues of San Diego County residents living with these diseases. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia but all people living with these conditions need access to resources such as caregivers and health care professionals trained in treating any type of dementia. Thus, the definition of Alzheimer’s Disease has been expanded to include Related Dementias as well.



The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in San Diego County Report: This report, a collaborative project with Aging & Independence Services, addresses the impact of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in San Diego County. Topics include overall prevalence, the number of caregivers and the costs of that care, as well as projections out to 2030 for all data. 


The Economic Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in San Diego Report: This report, a collaborative project with Aging & Independence Services, addresses the various lenses of the economic burden of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in San Diego County. Topics include community costs, lifetime costs, long-term care costs, caregiver costs, as well as hospitalization charges.

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Caplan and Rabe. (May 2023). The Older Population: 2020. 2020 Census Briefs. Accessed 12/5/2024.

2 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (June 2024). Older Adults. Accessed 12/5/2024.