Jamacha Commercial Office Building

PDS2018-STP-18-009; LOG. NO. PDS2018-ER-18-19-001

The Project consists of a Site Plan permit for the construction of a new 2-story 12,000 Sq. Ft. commercial office building on a currently vacant undisturbed 1.1-acre site (47,080 Sq. Ft). The Project will include an onsite 48 space parking lot with 2 ADA compliant spaces. The Project also includes proposed landscaping around the entire perimeter of the site, as well as a non-illuminated monument sign visible from the road that will read “Jamacha Executive Suites”. Access to the site would be provided by one commercial driveway connecting to Jamacha Boulevard. Water service would be provided by the Otay Water District, and sewer service by the Spring Valley Service Area of the San Diego County Sanitation District. The existing road on the northern portion of the Project site known as Jamacha Boulevard will be improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk the face of the curb to the 28’ wide centerline. The Project also includes the execution of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (IOD) of real property of Jamacha Blvd. for public road purposes to the County of San Diego. Proposed earthwork quantities for the project consist of approximately 1,000 cubic yards of excavation cuts, 2,000 cubic yards of fill, and 1,000 cubic yards of import. The project is located at 9619 Jamacha Boulevard within the Spring Valley Community Planning Area within unincorporated San Diego County. The project site is subject to the Village Regional Category, Land Use Designation Office Professional (C-2). Zoning for the site is Office Professional (C30). The proposed uses are consistent with the Zoning and General Plan Land Use Designation of the property. The site is also subject a “B” Special Area Designator for Community Design Review which requires the processing of a Site Plan permit.

Comments on the proposed findings and associated analysis must be received no later than March 17, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. (a 32-day public disclosure notice period). For additional information, please contact Sean Oberbauer by phone at (619) 323-5287 or by email at sean.oberbauer@sdcounty.ca.gov.

Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.

Project Contact: Alexandro Barrenechea | Alexandro.Barrenechea@sdcounty.ca.gov | (619) 323-8709


PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERIOD (February 13, 2025 - March 17, 2025)