HOME Investment Partnerships Program
The federal HOME Investment Partnerships program is used to fund projects that increase affordable housing for residents earning 80 percent or below the Area Median Income (AMI).
- We use HOME funds to provide low-interest loans to nonprofit and for-profit developers of affordable housing for property acquisitions and rehabilitations, site improvements, and new construction.
- Visit our Portfolio page to see developments we have funded.

We also provide assistance to home buyers in the form of down payment and closing costs and special-needs tenant based rental assistance.
Learn more at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) page.
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
- Providing gap financing at below-market rates helps construct, acquire and rehabilitate affordable multi-family rental housing for very low- and low-income families in the region.
- When HOME funds become available, we publish announcements called Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
- Eligible applicants include non-profit and for-profit housing developers and other non-profit organizations, and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) as recognized by HUD.
- HOME loans are leveraged with other resources that may include private equity, loans from lending institutions and/or funds from other federal, state or local programs.
- See Areas Served to learn where HOME funds can be used.
For information on the Notice of Funding Availability Program (NOFA), please contact:
Felipe Murillo (858) 694-4807 | email