

Rental Assistance

Rental Assistance Options

The Housing Authority of the County of San Diego (HACSD) is excited to introduce the My Housing Applicant Portal that launched on February 28, 2025. This user-friendly, mobile-accessible platform makes it easier than ever to apply for housing and update your waiting list applications – all online.


Apply For Rental Assistance

Update Your Application

Learn more

Program descriptions

Submit a New Application

Steps to Take for a New Applicant

  1. You must go to MyHousing Applicant Portal in order to apply for rental assistance. Please see the directions on how to Submit a New Application.
  2. Once you have applied for rental assistance, you must wait 24 hours.
  3. After you have waited 24 hours, you can Create a New User Account. This account allows you to update your waiting list application.

Learn more

Create a new User Account


Steps to Take for an Existing Waiting List Applicant

  1. You must Create a New User Account. This account allows you to update your waiting list application.
  2. Once you have created your new user account, you may update your waiting list application.
  3. Please see the directions on how to Create a New User Account and Update an Existing Application.
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Rental Assistance Options

At Housing and Community Development Services, we have several programs to help low-income people pay their rent so they may live in a safe, healthy place.   
Rental Assistance Options

Apply For Rental Assistance

Learn how to complete an application for rental assistance programs.  
Apply for Rental Assistance

Update Your Application

Make updates to your existing application.                    
Update Your Application

Already Receiving Rental Assistance?

If you already receive rental assistance, we have new information just for you.  
Already Receiving Rental Assistance?

What is Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher?

Learn more about the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.  
What is Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher?

Veterans Services Overview

We help homeless veterans receive rental assistance and support services through VASH (Veterans Affairs Support Housing) and other programs.  
Veterans Services Overview

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

Through the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, we provide some housing and support services for people with HIV-AIDS.  
Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS

Ending Homelessness

Several programs are available to help the homeless.  
Homeless Assistance

Public Housing

Learn about our Public Housing program.  
Public Housing

Moderate Rehabilitation Program

Learn about the Moderate Rehabilitation program and what it offers.  
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Resident Advisory Board

Learn more about the Resident Advisory Board and how to participate.  



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Rental Assistance Navigation