Ending Homelessness Overview
If you need a place to stay tonight or in the near future, please call 211 or visit the website: www.211sandiego.org.

We support and administer programs for homeless people through grants primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We can help provide long-term housing, but there is a waiting list.
Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV)
Housing Authority of the County of San Diego (HACSD) is accepting referrals for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) which are designed to serve individuals and families who are:
- Experiencing homelessness,
- At risk of experiencing homelessness,
- Fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking,
- Recently homeless or those whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having a high risk of housing instability.
These vouchers work similarly to other federal rental assistance programs administered by HACSD and are distributed in limited numbers based on available funding.
Eligible households will be identified through the Coordinated Entry System (CES). This system helps identify the most appropriate housing resource for households experiencing homelessness, based on their needs. If you are interested in a referral for the EHV program, contact 2-1-1 San Diego or visit a Coordinated Entry Access Site.
See the EHV FAQ's for more information on Emergency Housing Voucher's.
Providers with referral matches from the Coordinated Entry System will be contacted via email.
For additional information on the referral process see the EHV Provider training
Homeless Veterans
Homeless veterans can receive rental assistance, case management and clinical services under the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, which we administer.
- If you are a homeless vet, please call (877) 4AID–VET or (858) 694-8788.
- This program combines HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance with health and supportive services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is designed to be the first step to prevent homelessness and to help homeless individuals and families move toward safe and healthy living. Funding comes from HUD.
- ESG funds can be used by emergency shelters and other service providers for activities such as: renovation and conversion of buildings, street outreach, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and data collection.
Housing Opportunities for Persons with
Housing Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) is a federal program that provides
resources and incentives to develop long-term strategies for housing
and housing-related support services for low-income people living with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS).

Give a voice to the Homeless –
join WeAllCount
WeAllCount - San Diego’s Point-In-Time Count – is the annual
homeless census that helps us understand the scope of homelessness
in our region, so that we can improve our programs and services to
end homelessness.
Learn more about
WeAllCount and the Regional Task Force on the Homeless campaign.