Resident Advisory Board
The Housing Authority of the County of San Diego (HACSD) Resident Advisory Board (RAB) shall participate and make recommendations regarding the development of the HACSD’s annual plan for submittal to HUD. The RAB may also be called upon, at HACSD’s request, to advise on any other issue. The RAB is comprised of nine (9) appointed seats which include current residents of Public Housing or participants of the Housing Choice Voucher programs. Public Housing residents and HCV participants are encouraged to attend meetings to provide input via the comment process. RAB voting members will submit comments on behalf of residents and participants.
The next meeting of the Resident Advisory Board is tentatively scheduled for May/June 2025. Meeting announcement and agenda materials will be posted at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date.
Agenda and Minutes
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- 2-11-2021
- 6-16-2021
- 12-9-2021
- 2-10-2022
- 6-15-2022
- 11-1-2022
- 2-8-2023
Arabic Agenda | Minutes
Spanish Agenda | Minutes
Tagalog Agenda | Minutes
Vietnamese Agenda | Minutes
Chinese Agenda | Minutes
Dari Agenda | Minutes
Farsi Agenda | Minutes
Korean Agenda | Minutes
Somali Agenda | Minutes
RAB presentation 1/18/2024
English Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Arabic Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Spanish Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Tagalog Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Vietnamese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Chinese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Dari Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Farsi Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Korean Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Somali Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
English Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Arabic Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Spanish Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Tagalog Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Vietnamese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Chinese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Dari Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Farsi Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Korean Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Somali Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
English Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Arabic Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Spanish Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Tagalog Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Vietnamese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Chinese Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Dari Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Farsi Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Korean Announcement | Agenda | Minutes
Somali Announcement | Agenda | Minutes