Board of Supervisors History

The following lists members of the Board of Supervisors over the last 130+ years. Prior to 1889, the supervisorial districts were set up differently with the County represented by four districts and at large members when the County was founded in 1850. Bold names indicate the Supervisor served as Chair of the Board of Supervisors.

Year District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5
1889 Buck, Joshua Woolman, John H. Gunn, Chester Stice, Andrew J. Woods, John M.
1890 Buck, Joshua Woolman, John H. Gunn, Chester Stice, Andrew J. Woods, John M.
1891 Buck, Joshua Woolman, John H. Gunn, Chester Judson, John Rainbow, James
1892 Buck, Joshua Woolman, John H. Gunn, Chester Judson, John Rainbow, James
1893 Nason, Arthur Wetzell, Will W. Jasper, James Judson, John Rainbow, James
1894 Nason, Arthur Wetzell, Will W. Jasper, James Judson, John Rainbow, James
1895 Nason, Arthur Wetzell, Will W. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1896 Nason, Arthur Wetzell, Will W. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1897 Nason, Arthur Wetzell, Will W. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1898 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1899 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1900 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1901 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1902 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1903 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1904 Cherry, Howard Swallow, Charles H. Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1905 Cherry, Howard Cassidy, James Jasper, James Justice, William Griffin, John
1906 Cherry, Howard Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Justice, William Griffin, John
1907 Cherry, Howard Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Webster, Frank S. Griffin, John
1908 Adams, Daniel K. Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Griffin, John
1909 Adams, Daniel K. Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Griffin, John
1910 Adams, Daniel K. Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Griffin, John
1911 Smith, John Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Westfall, George
1912 Smith, John Cassidy, James Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Westfall, George
1913 Smith, John Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Westfall, George
1914 Smith, John Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Westfall, George
1915 Smith, John Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1916 Smith, John Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1917 Greene, Harry P. Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1918 Greene, Mildrid Swallow, Charles H. Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1919 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1920 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1921 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1922 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Westfall, George
1923 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1924 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1925 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1926 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1927 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1928 Greene, Mildrid Hornbeck, Edward Foster, Joseph Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1929 Hastings, Edgar Hornbeck, Edward Aul, LeRoy H. Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1930 Hastings, Edgar Hornbeck, Edward Aul, LeRoy H. Good, Charles Hurley, Tom
1931 Hastings, Edgar Hornbeck, Edward Aul, LeRoy H. McMullen, Stewart Hurley, Tom
1932 Hastings, Edgar Richards, LeRoy Trussell, Ray McMullen, Stewart Hurley, Tom
1933 Hastings, Edgar Richards, LeRoy Trussell, Ray McMullen, Stewart Hurley, Tom
1934 Hastings, Edgar Richards, LeRoy Trussell, Ray McMullen, Stewart Hurley, Tom
1935 Hastings, Edgar Richards, LeRoy Trussell, Ray Hicks, Harvey Sweet, Bryan A.
1936 Hastings, Edgar Richards, LeRoy Trussell, Ray Hicks, Harvey Sweet, Bryan A.
1937 Bellon, Walter Richards, LeRoy Faddis, John Hicks, Harvey Sweet, Bryan A.
1938 Bellon, Walter Richards, LeRoy Faddis, John Hicks, Harvey Sweet, Bryan A.
1939 Bellon, Walter Richards, LeRoy Faddis, John Warner, Harry Hart, William T.
1940 Bellon, Walter Richards, LeRoy Faddis, John Warner, Harry Hart, William T.
1941 Bellon, Walter Bird, David Faddis, John Warner, Harry Howell, Dean
1942 Bellon, Walter Bird, David Faddis, John Warner, Harry Howell, Dean
1943 Bellon, Walter Bird, David Faddis, John Warner, Harry Howell, Dean
1944 Bellon, Walter Bird, David Faddis, John Warner, Harry Howell, Dean
1945 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1946 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1947 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1948 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1949 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1950 Rossi, Dan Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1951 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1952 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1953 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1954 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1955 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1956 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Robbins, James Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1957 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1958 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1959 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1960 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Howell, Dean
1961 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1962 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1963 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1964 Gibson, Frank Bird, David Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1965 Gibson, Frank Boney, Henry Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1966 Gibson, Frank Boney, Henry Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1967 Gibson, Frank Boney, Henry Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1968 Gibson, Frank Boney, Henry Dent, Robert Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1969 Walsh, Jack Boney, Henry Scheidle, Harry Austin, De Graff Cozens, Robert
1970 Walsh, Jack Boney, Henry Scheidle, Harry Austin, De Graff Craven, William
1971 Walsh, Jack Boney, Henry Scheidle, Harry Bear, Jim Craven, William
1972 Walsh, Jack Boney, Henry Scheidle, Harry Bear, Jim Craven, William
1973 Walsh, Jack Brown, Dick Conde, Lou Bear, Jim Craven, William
1974 Walsh, Jack Brown, Dick Conde, Lou Bear, Jim Taylor, Lee
1975 Walsh, Jack Brown, Dick Conde, Lou Bear, Jim Taylor, Lee
1976 Walsh, Jack Brown, Dick Conde, Lou Bates, Jim Taylor, Lee
1977 Hamilton, Tom Moore, Lucille Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Taylor, Lee
1978 Hamilton, Tom Moore, Lucille Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Taylor, Lee
1979 Hamilton, Tom Moore, Lucille Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Eckert, Paul
1980 Hamilton, Tom Moore, Lucille Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Eckert, Paul
1981 Hamilton, Tom Fordem, Paul Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Eckert, Paul
1982 Hamilton, Tom Fordem, Paul Hedgecock, Roger Bates, Jim Eckert, Paul
1983 Hamilton, Tom Fordem, Paul Boarman, Patrick Williams, Leon Eckert, Paul
1984 Hamilton, Tom Fordem, Paul Boarman, Patrick Williams, Leon Eckert, Paul
1985 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon Eckert, Paul
1986 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon Eckert, Paul
1987 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1988 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1989 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1990 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1991 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1992 Bilbray, Brian Bailey, George Golding, Susan Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1993 Bilbray, Brian Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1994 Bilbray, Brian Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Williams, Leon MacDonald, John
1995 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
1996 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
1997 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
1998 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
1999 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2000 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2001 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2002 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2003 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2004 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2005 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2006 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2007 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2008 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2009 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2010 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2011 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2012 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Slater-Price, Pam Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2013 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Roberts, Dave Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2014 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Roberts, Dave Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2015 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Roberts, Dave Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2016 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Roberts, Dave Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2017 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Gaspar, Kristin Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2018 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Gaspar, Kristin Roberts, Ron Horn, Bill
2019 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Gaspar, Kristin Fletcher, Nathan Desmond, Jim
2020 Cox, Greg Jacob, Dianne Gaspar, Kristin Fletcher, Nathan Desmond, Jim
2021 Vargas, Nora Anderson, Joel Lawson-Remer, Terra Fletcher, Nathan Desmond, Jim
2022 Vargas, Nora Anderson, Joel Lawson-Remer, Terra Fletcher, Nathan Desmond, Jim
2023 Vargas, Nora Anderson, Joel Lawson-Remer, Terra

Fletcher, Nathan*

Montgomery Steppe, Monica

Desmond, Jim
2024 Vargas, Nora Anderson, Joel Lawson-Remer, Terra Montgomery Steppe, Monica Desmond, Jim
2025 Vacant Anderson, Joel Lawson-Remer, Terra Montgomery Steppe, Monica Desmond, Jim

*Nathan Fletcher resigned May 15, 2023. Monica Montgomery Steppe was elected to District 4 on November 7, 2023 and sworn in on December 5, 2023.