Children's Full Service Partnership (FSP)

FSP is a Sub-Category of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)

Proposition 63 was passed by voters in November 2004 and became a state law called the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Effective January 1, 2005, MHSA provides State funding to counties for expanded and innovative mental health programs. To learn more about each of the MHSA program components and to view the local updates, please visit the Behavioral BHS website's MHSA Page.

MHSA Components

MHSA funding has five components:

  • Community Services and Support (CSS)
    • Full Service Partnership (FSP) Services
    • Outreach and Engagement (OE) Services
    • General System Development (SD)
  • Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
  • Innovation (INN)
  • Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN)
  • Workforce Education and Training (WET)

Full Service Partnership (FSP)

The Full Service Partnership (FSP) model offers integrated and coordinated services with an emphasis on whole person wellness and promotes access to medical, social, rehabilitative, and other community services and supports as needed.

An FSP program provides all necessary services and supports to help clients achieve their behavioral health goals. Clients can access designated staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. FSP services comprehensively address client and family needs with a “do whatever it takes” approach. This includes intensive services and supports, and strong connections to community resources with a focus on resiliency and recovery.

The County of San Diego FSP programs that focus on children and youth populations often offer ancillary support(s) when indicated, provided by case managers, substance use disorder (SUD) counselors, or certified peer specialists. Services offered are trauma-informed, with a recognition that a whole person approach is critical to promoting overall wellbeing. Emphasis on partnerships with the family, natural supports, primary care, education, and other systems working with the family is a recognized core value.

FSP providers collect client and outcome data using the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Data Collection & Reporting System (DCR). The DCR allows for data and evaluation to be done regarding the effectiveness of FSP services being provided and the achievement of outcome measures.

To learn more about FSP service categories, visit the DHCS's MHSA Components webpage. For general information regarding MHSA, please visit the DHCS MHSA Page.

Data Collection and Reporting (DCR)

Under the maintenance and support of DHCS, the DCR is a database where FSP providers directly enter client information. Data is analyzed locally on a quarterly basis to assess FSP programs' efficiencies and success.  

FSP providers submit three different types of Partner Assessments to the DHCS online interface through the FSP DCR system:

1. The Partnership Assessment Form (PAF) gathers baseline information about the partner/client.

2. The Key Event Tracking (KET) records significant changes pertaining to education, living arrangements, legal issues, and emergency intervention.

3. The Quarterly Assessment (3M) gathers follow-up information on the partner/client's areas of strength, need, and treatment focus.

Full Service Partnership (FSP) Agreement Form

FSP Agreement


BHS DCR Children Providers - Meeting Agendas and Portfolios

Full Service Partnership Quarterly Reports - CASRC (Summary Report vs. Individual)