Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)

Capital Facilities

The Capital Facilities project is part of the Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN) component. Funding from this component will produce long term impacts. The benefits and goals will move the mental health system towards wellness, recovery, resiliency, cultural competence, prevention and early intervention. CFTN will expand the opportunities for accessible community based services for clients and their families, promoting the reduction in disparities in underserved groups. CFTN is one component with one allocation but is treated as two projects for planning purposes. Through the community planning process of the component proposal, the funds are allocated for the two sub-components as follows:

Capital Facilities 35%
Technological Needs 65%

Capital Facility funds may be used by the County to acquire, develop or renovate buildings or to purchase land in anticipation of acquiring/constructing a building. Capital Facility expenditures must result in a capital asset which increases the County Department of Mental Health’s infrastructure on a permanent basis (i.e., acquisition of buildings rather than rental or leased buildings).

You may view the yearly status of the Capital Facilities Plan on the “Documents” page, at left, in the Appendices of Updates and Three-Year Plans.