Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)

Workforce Education and Training (WET) Component of MHSA

The mission of WET is to develop and maintain a sufficient public mental health workforce capable of providing client and family-driven, culturally competent services that promote wellness, recovery and resiliency, and lead to evidenced-based, value-driven outcomes. WET objectives are meant to develop training curricula, incorporate cultural competency in all training and education programs, increase mental health career development opportunities, expand postsecondary education capacity, expand loan repayment scholarship programs, create stipend programs, promote distance learning techniques, promote employment of clients and family members in public mental health system, and promote meaningful inclusion of client and family members in all training and education programs.

Career Pathways in Public Behavioral Health

Financial Incentives Working in Public Behavioral Health

Below is information from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) on loan repayment and assistance programs for mental health professionals.

Supports for Those with Lived Experience and Seeking Employment

The term “Lived Experience” is commonly used in the behavioral health field to refer to experience gained through having been impacted by mental health challenge, alcohol/substance addiction, or other such distinct experience (former foster youth, refugee, human trafficking, domestic violence survivor). This term also refers to individuals who may not fit the above description but have an immediate family member (child, youth, adult) affected by a behavioral health challenge.

Workforce Trends & Resources

WET Plan Update

San Diego County’s WET plan was approved by the State in June 2009. The plan was produced with extensive input from the community, providers, and other stakeholders.

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