Data and Reports

Page last updated 01/17/2025.

This page includes data for the numerous reportable diseases and conditions monitored and investigated by the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch (EISB).

  • These data are presented as reports and in an interactive data dashboard. 
  • The most recent, finalized data can be found in the dashboard. 
  • Preliminary data for the current year are available in the monthly reports. 

On this page:

Communicable Disease Dashboard

This dashboard shows an overview of cases of reportable communicable diseases in San Diego County. It will be updated yearly.

  • Case counts from the most recent 5 years of available data are shown in the table below.
  • Depending on the number of cases per year and the type of information collected during case investigations, additional demographic, geographic, and epidemiologic data may be shown.
  • See Annual Communicable Disease Dashboard Notes and Sources for information on organization and content, methods, data sources, resources, and acknowledgements.

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  • How to use this dashboard
    1. To see the data for a specific disease, click on the disease in the table. Use the scroll bar to the right of the table to see more diseases.
    2. After choosing a disease, the Overall Trends page will show a bar graph with yearly case counts for diseases with recorded cases in San Diego County. If available, cases by month and a comparison to California and United States rates will also show.
    3. Use the buttons to the right of the graph to move to different sections: Demographics, Additional Info, Map, Disease Info, Notes, Resources.
    4. On each page, hover your mouse or finger over the dashboard elements to see a pop-up that displays more data and descriptions.
    5. On the map page, hover your mouse or finger over the map to bring up a toolbar that includes the option to zoom in and out, pan the view, and make selections. Use the home button on the toolbar to reset the map after zooming or panning the view. Click outside of map area to remove selections.
    6. To see data for a different disease, use the disease drop-down menu above the dashboard. Return to the 5-Year Table by selecting the top button to the right of the dashboard.

Topic-Specific Data


Respiratory Virus Surveillance

COVID-19, flu, and RSV hospitalization, deaths, and testing.


Mpox Surveillance

Mpox cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and demographics.


Mpox Vaccination Dashboards

Percent vaccinated, and demographics.

Monthly Communicable Disease Reports

These reports provide monthly and year-to-date counts of select communicable diseases reported to the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch. Each month, the report also includes a feature article on a different topic.

Email icon to subscribe, or unsubscribe, to the Monthly Communicable Disease Report

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Monthly Communicable Disease Report


Annual Communicable Disease Reports

These reports provide an overview of select communicable diseases reported to the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch.  New reports are not being published. For the most recent data, see the above dashboard. 


Five-Year Table of Reportable Diseases and Conditions

This data table, updated annually, provides case counts by year of reportable diseases and conditions in San Diego County.

Other Sources of Public Health Services Data

Call the Epidemiology Unit at (619) 692-8499, or send an e-mail, for more information.