Property Specific Requests General Plan Amendment
The Property Specific Requests General Plan Amendment and Rezone has been discontinued. For additional information, see the link below.

The PSRs GPA and Rezone was considered by the County of San Diego Planning Commission at public hearings on June 22, 2018, and (continued to) June 29, 2018. See the links below for the Planning Commission Recommendations and all Planning Commission hearing report documents.
Draft Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report
Public Review Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report
Board of Supervisors Hearing
The PSRs GPA and Rezone was considered by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors (Board) at a public hearing on September 12, 2018. This hearing was the first of a two-step hearing process. At this first hearing, staff received direction from the Board with regard to a preferred map option for each Analysis Area. This direction will be used in the preparation of a Resolution (General Plan changes), Ordinance (zoning changes), and CEQA Findings, for consideration and potential adoption at the second Board hearing. This second Board hearing is currently scheduled for December 12, 2018. Hearing Report documents for the December 12 hearing will be linked on this page when they are finalized. See the links below for the September 12 Board Minute Order for the PSRs item and for the September 12 Hearing Report documents. The Minute Order includes Board direction on each Analysis Area.
September 12th Board of Supervisors Hearing Report Documents
September 12th Board of Supervisors Minute Order for Item 1 (PSRs)
Planning Commission Hearing
The PSRs GPA and Rezone was considered by the County of San Diego Planning Commission at public hearings on June 22, 2018, and (continued to) June 29, 2018. See the links below for the Planning Commission Recommendations and all Planning Commission hearing report documents.
See link below for the Planning Commission Hearing Report
Planning Commission Recommendations
Planning Commission Hearing Report Documents
Public Meetings - Property Specific Requests GPA & Rezone
For additional information on the project, please call the project phone line at (858) 505-6677, or email
During the hearings of June 20, and June 27, 2012, the Board of Supervisors (Board) directed staff to process a General Plan Amendment (GPA) for 47 separate PSRs along with their associated study areas. A PSR is a request/petition to the Board of Supervisors to change the General Plan land use designation. Study Areas were added to most of the PSR Analysis Areas for mapping consistency purposes, and therefore, land use designation changes are proposed for the study area parcels also.
During the hearing of September 12, 2012, four of the PSRs were separated out, to be processed on a CEQA Addendum timeline. These four PSRs were processed under GPA 12-012, and approved by the Board on June 18, 2014. Additional information on GPA 12-012 can be found here - Property Specific Requests NM16, RM15, SD2, & SV17 (GPA 12-012). In addition, the owners for two of the PSRs requested to withdraw from the process. The process of removing these two PSRs and associated Study Area parcels was completed in 2016. As such, 41 PSRs (and associated Study Areas) remain in the current GPA.
Additional background information and links to documents and Minute
Orders from the Board hearings associated with project initiation and
Board direction can be found here -
PSRs Background and Board of Supervisors Hearings
Project Description
The proposed project is a Property Specific Requests GPA to the San
Diego County General Plan. The proposed project would result in
revisions to the existing General Plan Land Use designations and
zoning (when necessary for consistency) on private properties
including their surrounding study areas, totaling approximately 9,336
acres within approximately 882 parcels throughout the unincorporated
County. Primarily, the proposed project would change certain Land Use
designations within the following community planning areas (CPAs) and
subregional planning areas (Subregions):
Bonsall CPA
(approximately 965 acres)
Crest/Dehesa CPA (approximately
101 acres)
Desert Subregion (approximately 338 acres)
Fallbrook CPA (approximately 1,856 acres)
Empire Subregion (approximately 940 acres)
North County (NC)
Metro Subregion (approximately 1,512 acres)
*included in
the NC Metro Subregion total, approximately 389 acres are in Twin
*included in the NC Metro Subregion total,
approximately 1,030 acres are in Hidden Meadows
*included in the NC Metro Subregion total, approximately 93 acres are
not represented by a CPG/CSG
Pala/Pauma Subregion
(approximately 518 acres)
San Dieguito CPA (approximately
69 acres)
Valley Center CPA (approximately 3,037 acres)
The proposed project changes to land use designations would result in increased residential densities for most of the PSR areas and study areas. The proposed project would result in an increase of approximately 1,800 residential dwelling units above the number currently allowed by the existing General Plan. However, there are a few instances where the existing residential land use designation is proposed to change to a commercial or industrial Land Use designation rather than a higher density residential designation. County staff has worked with property owners, planning groups, and other stakeholders to analyze the proposed project land use maps and develop alternatives to be analyzed in the EIR. Maps of the existing, proposed (Board direction for analysis), and alternative options for each Analysis Area are found in the table below. Community-level maps of existing and proposed options are also provided at the bottom.
Additionally, the proposed project includes updates to the land use
designations and zoning for properties within the expired Champagne
Gardens Specific Plan area to ensure consistency with the current
General Plan. Associated with the update process for the Champagne
Gardens area, the proposed project also includes a revision to
Residential Policy 8 of the Valley Center Community Plan. The proposed
revision to this policy would involve changing the minimum lot sizes
allowed in the SR-2 designation, from one acre to one-half acre and,
change the minimum lot size allowed in the SR-4 designation from two
acres to one acre. The stipulations in the policy for allowing the
noted minimum lot sizes are not proposed to change. At their August
10, 2015 meeting, the Valley Center CPG recommended including the
proposed policy revision in the PSRs GPA for further analysis, and at
their May 8, 2017 meeting, the CPG recommended approval of the policy
revision. A strikeout/underline document showing the proposed revision
can be found here -
Proposed Policy Revision - Valley Center Community
Plan Residential Policy 8
Additional information on the
update process for the former Champagne Gardens Specific Plan area,
including map options, can be found here -
Former Champagne Gardens Specific Plan Area
PSR Analysis Area Maps and Additional Information
The PSR areas are outlined in red on the maps and the study areas are
outlined with a blue dashed line.
Bonsall Analysis Area (reference ID -
BO18+; includes BO18, BO20, BO29, BO32, BO33, and a study
area) 2012 proposal: change from SR-10 to SR-4 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 67 Alternative map: change only the northeastern portion from SR-10 to SR-4 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 36 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Crest/Dehesa 14 (CD14) 2012 proposal: change from a combination of SR-1 and RL-20 to a combination of SR-2 and RL-20 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 7 Alternative map: reduced area of SR-2 in comparison to Proposed map / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 4 | GP Land Use
Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Desert 8 (DS8) - includes a study area 2012 proposal: change from VR-2 to VR-4.3 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 389 Alternative map: change from VR-2 to VR-2.9 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 152 | GP Land Use
Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Desert 24 (DS24) 2012 proposal: change from SR-10 to SR-1 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 153 Alternative map: change only the northeastern 20 acres from SR-10 to SR-1 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 18 | GP Land Use
Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Fallbrook 2+ Analysis Area (FB2+; includes FB2,
FB18, and a study area) 2012 proposal: change from a combination of RL-20 and RL-40 to a combination of SR-4 and RL-20 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 16 Alternative map: change current R-40 area to RL-20; current RL-20 area remains unchanged / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 11 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Fallbrook 17 Analysis Area (FB17) 2012 proposal: change from SR-2 to a combination of SR-1 and SR-2 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 33 Alternative map: reduced area of SR-1 in comparison to the Proposed map / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 15 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Fallbrook 19+ Analysis Area (FB19+; includes
FB19, FB25, FB26, and a study area) 2012 proposal: change from RL-20 to SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 1 (no Alternative map for this Analysis Area) | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed |
Fallbrook 21+ Analysis Area (FB21+; includes
FB21, FB22, FB23 and a study area) 2012 proposal: change from RL-20 to SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 7 Alternative map: change only the portion east of Sandia Creek Drive from RL-20 to SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 2 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Mountain Empire 26 (ME26) - includes a study area 2012 proposal: change from RL-20 to SR-10 / estimated total potential dwelling unit increase = 26 (no Alternative map for this Analysis Area) | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed |
Mountain Empire 30A (ME30A) 2012 proposal: change from RL-40 to a combination of SR-4 and RL-40 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 29 Alternative map: change from RL-40 to a combination of SR-10 and RL-40 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 10 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
North County Metro 3A (NC3A) - includes a study
area NC3A is within the Hidden Meadows planning area (part of the North County Metro Subregion). 2012 proposal: change from RL-20 to SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 11 Alternative map: change from RL-20 to SR-10 for only the southern portion of the Analysis Area / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 3 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
North County Metro 18A (NC18A) NC18A is within an area of the North County Metro Subregion that is not represented by a CPG/CSG. 2012 proposal: change from SR-2 to a combination of SR-1 and SR-2 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 34 Alternative map: change to SR-1 for only the western portion of the Analysis Area / estimated dwelling unit increase = 14 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
North County Metro 22 (NC22) - includes a study
area NC22 is within the Twin Oaks planning area (part of the North County Metro Subregion). 2012 proposal: change from SR-10 to a combination of SR-1 and SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 52 Alternative map: change from SR-10 to a combination of SR-4 and SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 7 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
North County Metro 37 (NC37) - includes a study
area NC37 is within the Twin Oaks planning area (part of the North County Metro Subregion) 2012 proposal: change from SR-10 to SR-4 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 12 Alternative map: western 'leg' of the Analysis Area remains SR-10; the rest changes to SR-4 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 12 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
North County Metro 38+ (NC38+; includes NC38,
NC41, and NC48) NC38+ is within the Twin Oaks planning area (part of the North County Metro Subregion) 2012 proposal: change from SR-2 to SR-1 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 38 Alternative map: the portion within the FEMA 100-year floodplain would remain SR-2, while the rest of the Analysis Area would change to SR-1 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 27 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Pala/Pauma 30 (PP30) 2012 proposal: change from RL-40 to a combination of SR-2 and RL-40 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 122 Alternative map: change from RL-40 to a combination of SR-10 and RL-40 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 19 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
San Dieguito 15 (SD15)
2012 Board Letter option: change from SR-1 to General Commercial with no additional residential density / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 0 'Proposed Project' (owner request): change from SR-1 to a combination of General Commercial (with mixed use zoning at 2 residential units per acre), VR-10.9, and SR-0.5 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 301 Alternative map: change from SR-1 to a combination of General Commercial (with mixed use zoning at 2 residential units per acre) and SR-10 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase: 19 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/2012BL/Request/Alternative |
Valley Center 7+ (VC7+; includes VC7, VC9, VC11,
VC20A, VC20B, VC54, VC60, VC61, and a study area) 2012 proposal: change from SR-4 to SR-2 / estimated total potential dwelling unit increase = 253 Alternative map: northeastern and southern portions remain SR-4; the rest of the Analysis Area changes to SR-2 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 141 | GP Land Use
Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Valley Center 51 (VC51) - includes a study area 2012 proposal: change from RL-20 to SR-4 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 13 Alternative map: three northern parcels would change to SR-4; the rest remains RL-20 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 5 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Valley Center 57+ (VC57+; includes VC57, VC63,
VC64, and a study area) 2012 proposal: change from SR-4 to SR-2 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 231 Alternative map: floodplain area south of Valley Center Road and steep slope area in the southernmost extent of the Analysis Area would remain SR-4; the rest would change to SR-2 / estimated potential dwelling unit increase = 150 | GP Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
Valley Center 67 (VC67) - includes a study area 2012 proposal: change from SR-2 to Medium Impact Industrial (I-2) Alternative map: only the northern approximately half of the Analysis Area would change to Medium Impact Industrial | GP
Land Use Maps Existing/Proposed/Alternative |
PSR Countywide and Community Level Maps
Countywide | PSR Locations | |
Bonsall | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Borrego Springs (Desert) | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Crest / Dehesa | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Fallbrook | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Hidden Meadows | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Lake Morena / Campo | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
North County Metro | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Pala/Pauma | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
San Dieguito | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Twin Oaks | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |
Valley Center | Existing GP Designations | Proposed GP Designations |