Woodside Self-Storage
PDS2022-MUP-22-006; PDS2022-TPM-21302; LOG NO. PDS2022-ER-21-14-003
The project consists of a Major Use Permit and a Tentative Parcel Map
to authorize the construction and operation of a self-storage facility
on a 0.79-acre site. Access to the site would be from Cactus Street
via an existing driveway. The project site is subject to the General
Plan Village Category, Village Residential (VR-24) Land Use
Designation. The zoning for the site is Urban Residential (RU).
Self-storage facilities are authorized in the RU Use Regulation upon
approval of a MUP pursuant to the County of San Diego’
Zoning Ordinance. The project would provide 14 parking
spaces on the north side of the building, and a recessed loading bay
would be located on the south side of the building. Approximately
6,715 sf of landscape area would be provided, and the remainder of the
project site would be asphalt or concrete impervious surfaces. The
proposed project would include sidewalk improvements along the project
frontage on Cactus Street. The sidewalk has been designed to meander
around the existing Canary Island Pine tree along Cactus Street. The
project would include a lined biofiltration basin on the eastern side
of the project site to collect stormwater runoff from the project site
that would drain to a curb outlet on Cactus Street. The project is
located at 12431 Woodside Avenue, west of Cactus Street, between
Woodside Avenue and Julian Avenue, in the Lakeside Community Planning
Area within unincorporated San Diego County.
Comments on the proposed findings and associated analysis must be received no later than July 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (a 32-day public review period).
Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.
Project Contact: Daniella Hofreiter | | (619) 629-4431
PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (June 13, 2024 - July 15, 2024)
Mitigated Negative Declaration
Ordinance Compliance Checklist
Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP) Findings of Conformance