Vista II Tentative Map

PDS2022-TM-5647; PDS2022-MUP-22-001; Log No. PDS2022-ER-22-08-005

The project is a Tentative Map and Major Use Permit to subdivide an 8.93-acre site into three lots. Lot 1 contains an existing church and an existing driveway that will be improved as secondary access for Lot 2. Lot 2, which is 5.33 acres, will be improved with 37 multi-family condominium units with associated parking and 14,800 square feet of private useable open space. The third lot, Lot A, consists of an existing cellular facility and is not approved for future development. Access to the site will be from Hannalei Drive with a secondary emergency access in the northwestern area of the site connecting to the adjacent church property to the west (on Lot 1). The project is part of the North County Metro Community Planning area. Fire service will be provided by the Vista Fire Protection. Sewer will be provided by the Buena Sanitation District and water from the Vista Irrigation District. The site is subject to the General Plan Designation VR-7.3. Zoning for the site is Single Family (RS). The project includes 111 total parking spaces and 61,462 total square feet of open space. Earthwork will consist of 10,700 cubic yards of cut, 22,500 cubic yards of fill and 11,800 cubic yards of imported material. The site contains a stockpile of approximately 3,500 cubic yards of soil spread over a 1-acre area, which is in violation of the County’s Grading Ordinance. The stockpile will remain on the site and is considered part of the project. The units would be three- or four-bedroom, two-story, and include ground-level heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units.

Comments on the proposed findings and associated analysis must be received no later than October 25, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (a 30-day public disclosure notice period).

Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.

Project Contact: Daniella Hofreiter | | (619) 629-4431


PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERIOD (September 26, 2024 to October 25, 2024)