Warner Springs

Greater Warner Springs is a rural backcountry area of San Diego County, in the North Mountain Sub-Region, that lies in a valley at the foot of the east side of Palomar Mountain, and covers approximately 179 square miles beginning at the Riverside/San Diego County Line, ending just south of the CAL FIRE, Warner Springs station. For the most part, it is an unknown unincorporated area to most county residents and visitors, receives little or no media attention, has a low crime rate, no strip malls or convenience stores, clinics, or pharmacies, is the wild turkey capitol of this part of the world for hunters, and an important part of the Pacific Crest and California Hiking trails. The population of approximately 1,185 people lives amidst the quiet, historical beauty of the area, enjoying a life-style that is slower than that of an urban setting. Access is from State Route 79 South—one way in and one way out— with no public transportation. Ecologically, it is a region of wild animals, such as deer, coyotes, foxes, and other species, riparian and other environmentally sensitive areas, and serves as the headwaters for two watersheds: San Luis Rey and Santa Margarita Rivers.
- Greater Warner Springs Area, North Mountain Subregional Plan
Warner Springs Community Sponsor Group
Vacancy Notice