Frequently Asked Questions

Rental Assistance | FAQ


Immediate Assistance

I need a place to sleep tonight. Where can I get help?

Please call 2-1-1 to talk to someone who can give you personalized service.   

  • If you are in downtown San Diego, please go to the Neil Good Day Center, 299 17th Street, 92101

Admin Plans and Policies

Where can I find the Section 8 HVC Admin Plan?

  • Please see Section 8 HCV Admin Plan, the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan (340-page PDF).
Where is the Public Housing and Occupancy Policy?

Veterans Programs

I’m a veteran. Are there any programs to help me?

Renters Programs

What kind of rental help is available?

  • The amount of rental help is based on your family size and income.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher

What is Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher?

Moderate Rehabilitation Program

What is the Moderate Rehabilitation Program?

  • This program offers privately-owned rental units in East County for low-income families.

There are 94 of these units.

If a unit becomes available, applicants are selected from the waiting list and referred to the landlord for screening and selection.

Applying For Rental Assistance

How do I apply for help with my rent?

  • If you need specific accommodations to complete the application, please contact our office at (858) 694-4801 or toll free at (877) 478-LIST

Qualifying for Rental Assistance

Do I qualify?

If I do qualify, how long does it take to get help?

  • People may be on the waiting list for 10 or more years.
Where can I find the San Diego County Income Limits?

Tenant Commissioners

What are tenant commissioners and what are their roles?

Applicant Screening

Does the Housing Authority screen the family for suitability as renters?

  • No, that is a responsibility of the landlord or property owner. Your landlord may ask for the name and contact information of your current landlord. He is also permitted to ask for your previous address and the name and contact information for that landlord.
  • We will conduct a background check when we determine your eligibility for a program.

Areas Served

Where are the areas served by the Housing Authority of San Diego County?

  • We serve the unincorporated area of San Diego County, which includes all the areas that are not in a city, and 13 of our county’s 18 cities. The five other cities in our county have their own housing agencies.  Learn More.

Lease Agreements

May I use my own lease agreement?

  • Yes, landlords may use their own lease agreements. However, you will be required to include federal requirements in your lease.

Rental Inspections

Do you make sure the rented home is safe?

  • Yes, a rental unit must pass an inspection before you move in and it may be inspected every one to two years after that.

Rental Rates

Do you make sure I’m not paying too much?

  • Yes, the rent must be reasonable compared to similar units. If the rent is too high, the unit may not be eligible for assistance.

How much can the landlord charge for a security deposit?

  • The landlord may charge a reasonable security deposit as set by federal, state and local laws.

Can the landlord increase the rent?

  • Yes, the rent may be increased whenever your lease expires (ends).
  • The landlord must notify you and us 60 days before the rent goes up.
  • The total amount of the rent must still be reasonable compared to other rental units in the area.


Can I be evicted or forced to move out?

  • Yes, if you break any of the sections or rules in your lease, or if you or someone in your unit breaks the law, the landlord can ask you to leave.
  • Also, you can be taken off the Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher Program if you have many lease violations.

Report Change

Do I need to tell you that I’ve had a baby or lost my job?

  • Yes. If you are receiving rental assistance you must tell us if there is a change in your life including a birth, change of income or if you move. You need to let us know in writing within 14 days of that event. Please see Report Changes

Self Sufficiency

What if I want to become independent from public aid?

Voucher Payment Standards

Where Can I find the Voucher Payment Standards?