Veterans Services and Programs

Veterans Services Overview


Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing called VASH



Our goal is to end veteran homelessness. We are working with the federal departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs to administer the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program. This program provides rental assistance to homeless veterans and offers ongoing VA supportive services

Voucher Payment Standard

People using the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program will benefit from a set amount of money paid monthly to their landlord to offset the cost of rent. You can find the maximum amount a family can receive, although your monthly assistance may be different.

Home Buyer and Homeowner Programs

Veterans can apply for help to buy a new home or repair the one they live in.  

Other Programs for Vets

  • Sometimes it is difficult to ask for help. The County of San Diego funds a 24/7 support line run by veterans for veterans. It is called “Courage to Call” and all you have to do is dial 2-1-1 or go to the website They can help you with the rigors of transitioning to civilian life.
    Learn more.
  • Each summer the County participates with dozens of other organizations and hundreds of volunteers in a “Stand Down,” a multi-day event that helps homeless vets find food, clothing, showers, recovery providers and other services including medical, dental and legal assistance.
    Learn more:

Veterans are welcome to apply for other Housing and Community Development Services programs:

Rental Assistance

Housing Repair Loan and Grant Program

Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program

Family Self-Sufficiency Program

More Vet Resources

Veterans FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions