Enlisted Healthcare Personnel to EMT Pathway

The County of San Diego's EMS Office is committed to providing opportunities to our Nation's Active and Reserve Service Members and Veterans with diverse medical backgrounds. One way of doing this is to assist in the transition to the civilian Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification. This has a twofold impact, not only on the County of San Diego but also on the applicant.
Being a certified EMT provides a person with more than just the ability to work in an ambulance. An EMT can seek employment through multiple avenues, such as fire agencies., hospital emergency departments (often referred to as an ED Tech), special event medical support, and more.
All of these positions offer unique opportunities to further one's career in EMS.

Required Documents & Steps for Applying
Prior to applying for your certification, you must have the following:
- Graduation from Basic Medical Education & Training Command after 2008
- Copy of your Joint Service Transcript
- Current CPR/BLS card
Once you have acquired the above stated documents, follow these steps to apply for your certification:
- Contact the NREMT point of contact and verify eligibility consisting of current training record or DD214.
- Complete an EMT refresher course.
- Complete a psychomotor and cognitive exam through Pearson Vue or at base medical.
- Use Navy Cool to complete your Certification Exam.
- Once you have passed the NREMT, apply for your license in San Diego County through the CoSD EMS Office LEMSIS Portal.

Other Resources:
Certification Tips for U.S. Navy Corpsman Transitioning to Civilian Workforce

Questions? Please contact Nathan Burger, EMS
(619) 455-1652