Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

SART, the Sexual Assault Response Team of San Diego County, is a victim-sensitive program designed to provide a team approach to responding to sexual assaults in our community.
The team consists of a specially trained nurse examiner to provide an evidentiary examination and medical support, a law enforcement officer to conduct an investigation and provide emergency assistance, and a victim advocate who is there to provide emotional support, referrals, and information to the victim.
Thousands of victims have been assisted and counseled by the SART team. Before SART, most victims endured the aftermath of assault by themselves, feeling frightened and alone.
The San Diego SART program has been very successful in meeting the needs of sexual assault victims and is a nationwide leader.
If you need guidance and assistance please call one of the resource numbers below or see the Resource Pamphlet at bottom of page for complete information:
- Center for Community Solutions (CCS) Rape Crisis Hotline: 888-385-4657
- Women's Resource Center (WRC): 760-757-3500
- Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-HOPE (4673)
- Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Helpline: 877-995-5247
- Indian Health Council: 760-749-1410 x5357 or x5326
- La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians Avellaka Program: 760-742-8628
- Southern Indian Health Council, Inc: 619-445-1188
- Strong Hearted Native Women's Coalition: 760-644-4781
- District Attorney Victim Assistance Program: 619-531-4041
- Child Protective Services: 858-560-2191
- Your Safe Place - a Family Justice Center: 619-533-6000
- One Safe Place - the North County Family Justice Center: 760-290-3690

Policies and Publications:
County EMS Policy S-421, Sexual Assault Patient Destination (7/21)
Standards and Publications
Reporting requirements for sexual assault victims in the Emergency
Department -
posted November 11, 2020
County of San Diego Sexual Assault Response Team Standards of Practice (2018) is a document with standards and guidelines for members of the interdisciplinary SART Team.
Emergency Department Management of the Sexual Assault Victim in the COVID Era: A Model SAFET-I Guideline from San Diego County, (Koenig et al., July 2020). The article presents a novel SAFET-I tool to assist emergency health care providers in the treatment and advocacy of sexual assault patients.