Kaiser Permanente HMO
Kaiser Permanente is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) with a closed network of providers.
How the plan works
- You choose a primary care physician (PCP) from Kaiser Permanente’s network.
- The PCP coordinates your care and refers you to specialists.
- The plan covers the cost of services only when your primary care physician authorizes it.
Doctors/Other Medical Care Providers: You can only use doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies that participate in the Kaiser Permanente HMO network. There is no coverage if you go to out-of-network providers, except for emergency services.
Annual Deductible: There is no annual deductible.
Copays: You pay a set dollar amount when you receive medical
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The HMO plans include an annual out-of-pocket maximum. Once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, the plan pays 100% of covered charges for the remainder of the plan year.
Per Pay Period Cost
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Employee Employee Employee Only Plus 1 Plus 2 or more | |||
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Kaiser Permanente HMO | $372.56 | $745.12 | $1,054.35 |
Contact the Provider
- Phone: 800-464-4000
- Group Number: 104301-02
Kaiser Permanente Traditional HMO Benefits Disclosure
Traditional Medical Plans Comparison Chart