Climate Action Plan Update


Smart Growth Alternative Maps

Planning & Development Services (PDS) conducted outreach on smart growth alternatives beginning in early 2021 following issuance of the Notice of Preparation. Smart growth alternatives must be included in the CAP Update Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) to satisfy court order regarding the 2018 CAP. PDS asked stakeholders where they thought smart growth development should occur (geography) and how to incentivize or disincentivize growth in those locations. PDS met multiple times with all stakeholders that requested to provide input on the smart growth alternatives.

PDS will reengage on smart growth alternatives beginning May of 2023 to capture remaining input to be included in the SEIR alternatives chapter.

The below maps of smart growth areas are separated by themes. All maps were requested by various stakeholders for inclusion in the SEIR alternatives chapter. Prior to writing the alternatives chapter in the SEIR, PDS will compile maps to indicate the smart growth area for environmental analysis.

Maps are arranged in alphabetical order.

*These maps were updated to reflect the most recent SANDAG modeling on July 20, 2023.