How to Read Your DEHQ Invoice

How To Read Your Invoice
A = Type of invoice
- Invoice type can be renewal, initial, past due, supplemental, complaint response, or final notice.
B = Renewal Period
- This invoice covers this renewal period.
C = Bill For
- This notes the type of business.
D = Record Number
- This record number is how we identify your business or facility. You can reference this record number when paying online or contacting us.
E = Payment Due By
- This is the date the invoice should be paid by. If payment is not received by this date, then delinquent fees may apply, see section M for more information.
F = Business Name and Billing Address
- Our records show this is the current business name and billing address where notices get mailed to. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
G = Owner Information / Business Location
- Our records show this is the current owner and the address of the business. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
H = Date
- Date of invoice or inspection.
I = Quantity
- Quantity of items, for example, if a restaurant has 5 employees the quantity will show 5.
J = Fee Code
- This fee code is for internal reference.
- For specific fee information, please contact the specific division. Their contact information can be found below.
K = Fee Code Description
- The fee code description area will describe the fee.
- For specific fee information, please contact the specific division. Their contact information can be found below.
L = Fee
- This amount is the line total. Fee amount times the quantity.
- For specific fee information, please contact the specific division. Their contact information can be found below.
M = Late Fee Notice
- This section will display the amount or percentage for a delinquent fee if the invoice is not paid before the due date. See section E for due date.
N = Total Amount Due
- This is the total amount due before the due date. See section E for due date.
O = Update Information
- Check the box if you would like to report any new information such as new owner, change of owner, address change, or business closure. See below on how to contact us.
P = Email Addresses
- Our records show that this is your current email addresses for owner and billing information. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
- For Hazardous invoices, such as DEH2002-HUPFP-123456, please update your information via CERS.
Q = Department of Environmental Health and Quality’s mailing
- You can send your payment to this address.
Note: More information can be found at the back of the invoice
You can also contact us at:
- Food & Housing Division (FHD) (For record like
- (858) 505-6666
- Or send an email to
- Hazardous Materials Division (HMD) (For record like
- (858) 505-6880
- Or send an email to
- Land & Water Quality Division (LWQD) (For record
like DEH2002-LAOP-123456)
- (858) 565-5173
- Or send an email to
- Billing
- (858) 505-6930
- Or send an email to