What is New in Land and Water Quality
The County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health and Quality, Food, Water, and Housing Division would like to invite you to attend an upcoming stakeholder engagement session for the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 cost recovery proposal. Our stakeholder engagement sessions will be virtual through Microsoft Teams for our housing, LEA solid waste, recycled water, state small water systems, and well program. Land use (septic) program will host an in-person session. Both virtual and in-person sessions will focus on program updates, accomplishments, the fiscal year 2025‐2026 cost recovery proposal, and have time for questions and answers.
Language interpretation, including
American Sign Language, in alternative languages are available upon
request. Please submit your request by Thursday, March 20,
2025, by calling (858) 565-5173 or via email to LWQDduty@sdcounty.ca.gov.
For HOUSING, LEA SOLID WASTE, RECYCLED WATER, STATE SMALL WATER SYSTEMS, WATER & MONITORING WELLS, please join us on Thursday, March 27, 2025, 2PM-3PM, by clicking the Microsoft Teams link provided.
Meeting Link: Join the meeting now. Meeting
ID: 227 846 676 421 Passcode: 8rC3E8u9
Dial in by
phone: (619) 343-2539 Phone conference ID: 549 211 127#
For the LAND USE (SEPTIC) PROGRAM, please join us on
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 930AM-1030AM at
5500 Overland
Ave. San Diego, CA 92123 - Lobby Training Room 120.
For questions regarding the meeting and/or cost recovery proposal, contact our Duty Desk at (858) 565-5173 or via email to LWQDduty@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Departmental information regarding the Department's cost recovery proposal will be posted on the DEHQ website fees page.
To review this information in your language, select your language using the built-in Google Translate function located at the top right of this screen.