How to Read Your DEHQ Trust Account Billing Statement

How to read your trust account billing statement
A = Invoice Number
- This is the Trust Account number followed by “mmyy” which represents the month and year of the statement activity/invoice period.
B = Online Payment Option
- To view record balances, you can visit
C = Financial Responsibility Party
- Financial responsible party is the one who can make the financial decisions of the project. At the end of the project, should there be any funds to refund, a check will then be made to the financial responsible party.
D = Invoice Period
- This invoice covers this renewal period.
E = Customer # and Trust Account
- These are unique to the customer and project.
F = Total Net Deposits
- Project to date total net deposits represent the cumulative total of deposits the trust account has received throughout the life of the project.
G = Total Net Charges
- Project to date total net charges represent the cumulative total the account has been charged throughout the life of the project.
H = Beginning Balance
- This represents the beginning balance for the invoice period.
I = Net Deposits
- This represents the total deposits received during the invoice period.
J = Net Charges
- This represents the total amount charged to the trust account during the invoice period.
K = Ending Balance
- This represents the balance at the end of the invoice period.
L = Record ID
- The record associated with Customer and Trust Account (E).
M = Project Name
- This is the project name and address.
N = Trans Date
- The transaction date is the date in which the fund affected the trust account.
O = Charge Date
- Charge date is the date in which labor charges were performed.
P = Task / Activity
- This is the task or activity performed on the project by the DEHQ staff.
Q = Employee / Supplier
- This is the employee or supplier that performed the task or activity on the project.
R = Hrs/Units
- This is the number of hours performed or unit count for the project.
S = Rate
- This is the rate for each task or activity.
T = Amount
- This is the total of hrs/unit times the rate.
- A positive number represents money added to the trust account, whereas a negative number represents money charged to the trust account.
U = Trust Account Activity
- All trust account activity during the invoice period will be listed here.
- “Deposits” represent money received.
- “Adjusts” represent any corrections made to the account.
V = Due Date
- This is the date the invoice should be paid by. If payment is not received by this date, then delinquent fees may apply, see section Y for more information.
W = Amount Due
- This is the amount due for this invoice.
X = Payment Amount
- This is the amount received to date.
Y = Note
- Note regarding being in good standing, please read thoroughly.
Z = Mailing Address
- This is the address we send correspondence to regarding this trust account.
AA = Department of Environmental Health and Quality’s mailing
- You can send your payment to this address.
Note: For questions regarding this permit, you can contact us at (858) 505-6930, or send an email to