Radiological Health Program

Community Health Division - DEHQ
5500 Overland Ave, Ste 110 |
San Diego, CA 92123-1217 |
Tel: (858) 694-3621 Fax:(858) 694-3629 |
Open Mon - Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
The Radiological Health Program is the local agency that enforces the state and federal radiation control regulations in San Diego County. Ionizing radiation has the potential to expose employees and the general public to harmful effects. The widespread use of radioactive materials and x-ray machines in health care, research, and industry has required a program to monitor and control radiation hazards. Radiological Health Specialists in San Diego County monitor the storage, use and disposal of radioactive materials and the safe use of x-ray producing equipment through a contract with the Radiological Health Branch of the State Department of Health Services.
San Diego County is one of the few local
agencies designated by the Department of Health Services to conduct
radiation inspections. Prior to 1986, when this contract started, the
county relied upon state inspectors from Los Angeles or Sacramento to
ensure safe radiological standards in our county.
This program provides many services to the community and regulated businesses, including:
- Radiation safety compliance & education to radioactive materials licensees, x-ray machine registrants & the public.
- Evaluation of shielding plans & blue prints of proposed x-ray facilities.
- Inspection of radioactive material licensees & x-ray machine registrants to determine compliance with Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations & 10CFR, part 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
- Inspection of mammography x-ray facilities to determine compliance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.
- Inspection of all x-ray machines to determine that quality assurance standards are met.
- Verification that all operators of medical & chiropractic x-ray machines are certified by the State of California.
- Response to incidents involving radioactive materials & x-ray machines, investigation of incident cause, preparation of detailed reports, & if appropriate, issuance of citation(s)
- Participation in emergency preparedness planning for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station & the Off-site Dose Assessment Center.
Forms & Instruction
Plan Check Instructions
Plan Check Application/Fee Schedule
RH2261 X-ray Machine
for: Report of Change Machine Inventory
Radiation Transfer Notice
Inventory of Radiation Machine
Schedule A
To obtain forms for certification of operators and licensing of
radioactive materials facilities, please go to the
State of California Radiological Health
Branch website.